10th September 2015

10th September 2015

Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors E. Jones, J. Hinchcliffe, T. Hall, C. Florance and C. Gogna, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and four residents.

1. Apologies: None.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.

3. Public Participation session: None.

4. Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on 9th July 2015: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record and this was seconded by Councillor Hinchcliffe, the Chairman duly signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 3b Flagpole: The Chairman reported the hedge which was causing damage to the flag was promptly trimmed back by the landowner.
b) Item 3d Drains: The clerk reported the drain on Pannal Road outside Hilltop house had been cleared.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Powers of Delegation: The Chairman said it had been suggested the Parish Council use their Powers of Delegation over minor issues, and ask the clerk to deal with such issues and then report to the Parish Council. This was resolved to be an appropriate cause of action.

7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Enquiry for Affordable Homes: The clerk said she had received an email regarding tenancy, she had passed on the relevant information to the person.
b) Clerk’s correspondence see appendix 1.
c) Parish Consultation Meeting – the clerk said it had been organised for 21st September.
d) Parking on Main Street – the clerk said she had received a reply from the school to inform her the school will contact parents to ask them to park with consideration.

8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Councillor Hall reported some fly-tipping. The clerk said she would organise for it to be cleared away.

9. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) Presbytery House, Rudding Lane, Follifoot – Ref: 15/02214/FUL Erection of two storey link extension and alterations to fenestration. The Parish Council supported the application but wished to make comments.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications
i) Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road, Follifoot – Outline planning permission had been granted subject to conditions.
d) Planning Enforcement:
i) Plompton, Knaresborough – The clerk said planning enforcement had informed her of a possible breach of planning on a converted outbuilding had been reported.
e) Neighbourhood Planning: A discussion took place over the suitability of a Neighbourhood Plan for Follifoot with Plompton Parish. The Parish Council resolved not to move forward with a Neighbourhood Plan in the immediate future.
f) Planning Consultation Procedure between meetings: The Parish Councillors discussed the procedure for the submission of planning applications between meetings. The Parish Council resolved to use email consultations for small developments and to hold a planning meeting for larger planning applications.
g) Harrogate Borough Council’s Local Plan Consultation: The Parish Council discussed the Local Plan and a response was concluded, details in Appendix 2. Action: Clerk to forward the Parish Councils comments.

10. Village Up Keep:
a) The clerk said an email had been received regarding village maintenance. The Parish Council discussed the email. The Chairman said he would trim the weeds at Kitty Corner.
b) Village Maintenance Person: The benefit of a village handy person was discussed. It was resolved the clerk would speak with a local landowner and report to the October meeting.
c) Verge Management: It was agreed the clerk would speak with a local landowner and report to the October meeting.
d) Dog Fouling: The clerk said she had met with the dog warden to discuss dog fouling in the Follifoot area. The Parish Council said they would consider having a ‘Flag and Bag’ event at the next litter pick, with the objective of encouraging dog owner to pick up after their dog. The dog warden said she will continue to visit Follifoot area.
i) The clerk said she had received an email from residents on Main Street, reporting a dog fouling on the footpath and in a garden.
e) Village Litter Pick: The Autumn litter pick was arranged for Sunday 18th October at 2pm outside the village shop.

11. Broadband: Councillor Hinchcliffe reported on a meeting which he had attended. He said currently the use of ‘line of sight’ broadband was being investigated.

12. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The neighbourhood coordinator had sent a report. The clerk had emailed it to the Parish Councillors.
b) PC Scott had sent a Police report. The clerk had emailed it to the Parish Councillors.

13. Defibrillator: Councillor Hinchcliffe said he is still looking at the on-going costs of installing a defibrillator. He will be discussing this with the village hall committee. It was noted the next Village Hall committee meeting is October.

14. Rugby Club:
a) The Chairman updated the meeting on a recent meeting with the Rugby Club.

15. FOFWRAP: The Chairman updated the meeting on the progress of FOFWRAP. He explained the group are liaising with design companies and the landowner. He said they may need to be a subcommittee of the Parish Council to obtain funding.

16. Usage of The Pound:
a) Tenancy Agreement: The Parish Council and future tenant agreed the lease was appropriate. The tenant agreed to sign the lease and forward photographs of the current state of The Pound.

17. Affordable Housing:
a) Site Management: Planning Enforcement had contacted the clerk about of mud from the site on Pannal Road, she informed the clerk that no action could be taken currently as the building company had applied to discharge the planning condition. It was agreed the clerk would contact the company to discuss the matter.

18. Employment of Clerk: Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had recently attended a course and was made aware the clerk should receive regular staff appraisals. It was agreed Councillor Jones and Chairman MacDermid would carry out the staff appraisal. Action: The clerk to organise a meeting.

19. Expectations of Parish Councillors: The Chairman requested Parish Councillors responded to emails which required a response.

20. YLCA – Amends to Standing Orders: The clerk said as requested by YLCA she had amended the Standing Orders and emailed a copy to the Parish Councillors. The Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to accept the amendments.

21. Highways:
a) Footpath Maintenance Tofts Lane: The clerk reported the wall had been repaired and Highways informed of the overhanging hedge.
b) Speed Restriction Pannal Road: The clerk informed the meeting that the 30mph speed restriction on Pannal Road will be moved further towards the by-pass in the near future.
c) Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) – Stakeholder Proforma: The Parish Council discussed the consultation and agreed upon a response. Action: Clerk to complete questionnaire.

22. Yorkshire Water – Drain issue Main Street: The Chairman said he had reported an overflowing drain to Yorkshire Water. They had attended and cleared the drain. He had received a call to inform him the drain had been cleared. He had called them back but was unable to speak to the appropriate person. He said he will continue to liaise with Yorkshire Water.

23. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank: The clerk reported £427.11 in the current account and £7,406.00 in the deposit account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure: None received.
c) Changes in Financial Formatting: The clerk reported that she had met with the Chairman to look at ways to improve financial recording.
d) Financial Annual Return Review Certificate: The external audit had been approved and displayed upon the noticeboard.

24. Date of next meeting: 8th October 2015 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall

Appendix 1.

Clerk’s Correspondence – emails received. Not included in the Agenda.
• Rural Services Network -11 emails received
• Rural Action Yorkshire – 2 emails received
• NYCC – 2 emails received
• Locality – 2 emails received
• HARCVS Newsletter – 2 received
• NY Police – 2 received
• HBC – 6 received
• Fire & Rescue consultation received
• YLCA – 3 received
• CPRE – 1 received
• PC Scott – Crime Figures – 2 emails received

Mail received
YLCA – Annual Review 2014/15
NY Fire & Rescuse – Consultation letter received

Appendix 2.

Ref: Harrogate Borough Council Development Plan – issues and options consultation

1) We are supportive of sustainable and appropriate development that does not materially alter the character of our community.
2) Development should be proportionate to the existing scale of the parish and not increase the number of houses significantly. We ask HBC work closely with the Parish Council to obtain a relevant and appropriate developmental increase within the Parish.
3) Provision of housing through “in-fill” and “rounding off” rather than materially altering the current boundaries of the village. Ensuring Green Belt is protected from inappropriate development. Small scale individual development is an appropriate way forward.
4) A mixture of housing types would be desirable – affordable housing (rental and purchase) and full market housing
5) A mixture of dwelling sizes that would appeal to a variety of demographics (including families, couples, ages, people downsizing, disabled etc.).
6) Development that helps to support our existing organisations, businesses and services – school, shop, church, pubs, clubs and societies (including cricket, rugby, stables, WI, bowls, village hall etc.).
7) Development that helps to safeguard and possibly expand the provision of public transport though the village.
8) We would like the development plan to cover aspects such as mobile phone and broadband coverage that makes both of these available to all at a much better level than is currently delivered.
9) This and specific planning policy designation could be key to supporting business in the community (small scale businesses and home workers).
10) We would want to protect key areas of “green space” from development – cricket club, rugby club, the Garth, grass behind village hall, allotments, area around The Pound, and also make provision for a recreation and play area. The footpaths should be protected as they are a great asset to the village, they promotes residents health and well-being and also attract visitors to the parish.

Additional comments from the Parish Council is any development is likely to have a dramatic impact on the road and rail infrastructure, adding significantly to the congestion that is already a major problem.

If should not be assumed that by opting for major development to the south of Harrogate that the majority of commuters will travel to Leeds and York, and in any case they will still travel into Harrogate on the evenings and at weekends.