11th December 2014


Meeting of the Parish Council
Held on 11th December

Election of Chairman:
Councillor Martin proposed N. MacDermid as Chairman of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council, the Councillors unanimously voted for N. MacDermid to hold the position of Chairman. The Chairman duly signed the Acceptance of Office.

Election of Vice-Chairman:
Following the appointment of the Vice-Chair to position of Chair, this left a vacancy for a Vice-Chair. Councillor N. MacDermid proposed Councillor Martin for position of Vice-Chair, the Councillors unanimously voted for Councillor Martin to hold the position of Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chairman duly signed the Acceptance of Office.

PRESENT: Chairman MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors T. Hall and E. Jones, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, six residents and Amber Malone from Home Group.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Florance.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Jones declared an interest in item 14.

3. Public Participation session:
a) Forge Green:
i) ​Residents enquired about the reclassification of Forge Green; from over 55’s to family’s being able to reside in the properties. The Parish Council and residents discussed the matter. The Chairman said the reclassification would have been done by Harrogate Borough Council (HBC), and the Parish Council had not been consulted on the reclassification.
ii) ​Residents expressed concerns over the erection of a fence at Forge Green. They considered the fence to be out of character with the village and enquired if it had planning permission. The Chairman said planning permission had not been obtained and requested the clerk made enquiries to see if it required planning permission.
iii) ​Residents enquired about Forge Green tenant’s keeping the property and grounds in an acceptable state of tidiness. The residents and Parish Council discussed an untidy garden and inappropriate parking at Forge Green. The Chairman explained it is the responsibility of HBC to monitor how the properties and gardens are maintained. It was decided an informal word would be more appropriate and Councillor Martin volunteered to speak to the residents and request the grounds are kept tidy and cars parked appropriately. The Parish Council said they would consult with HBC if the problem could not be resolved.
b) A resident had written to the Parish Council regarding the matter of the old website host informing the Parish Council he had done the research on the history of Follifoot and the Church. The resident explained the old website host had taken the information from the books written by herself and WI and put it on the website. It was agreed that the resident would speak with the new website host to ensure relevant information and acknowledgments are correct on the new website.
c) Amber Malone representing Home Group, attended the meeting at the Parish Councils invitation to discuss Agenda item 20a(i). She explained the reasons why the application had been submitted. The Parish Council thanked her for attending and she left the meeting (8.45pm).

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 13th November 2014: Councillor Hall proposed the minutes to be a correct record and Chairman MacDermid seconded the proposal. The Chairman signed them as a correct record of the meeting.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Milestone relocation – The clerk informed the meeting the Milestone is a listed structure and was referred to in several local History books. Permission would be required from HBC if the Milestone Association wished to move it. The clerk had informed the gentleman from the Milestone Association.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said he had received correspondence regarding the fence at Forge Green, item 3a.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:

8. Website:
a) See item 3b).
b) Councillor Jones said the new website host had transferred any relevant documentation from the old website to the new website; he could only go back to 2004, as previous files were difficult to transfer. It was agreed the website host would put on the list of the documents held by North Yorkshire County Councils Achieve Department.

9. Neighbourhood Watch: M. Hammond said residents should continue to remain vigilant as scams continue in North Yorkshire. He had received reports of door step callers continue to visit the area, who often present themselves as collecting for charity or selling items. They should hold a Pedlars licence and if not residents should inform North Yorkshire Police. He also reported Telephone scams were being used; people telephone and say their windows operating system is down and asking for passwords, then use the information gain access to their banking details.

10. Broadband: No update available.

11. Parish Councillor Vacancy: The Parish Councillor vacancy was discussed and how to encourage more diversity into the Parish Council. Action: Clerk to advertise position, with applications to be submitted by 5th January 2015.

12. Village Up Keep: No issues at present.

13. Highways:
a) Overgrown Foliage Plompton Road: The clerk said she had once again made enquires with Highways as to when the verge would be cut; they were unable to confirm when the work would be carried out. She said she had informed County Councillor Savage about the situation. He passed on the comments to Highways. Action: The clerk will continue to monitor the situation.
b) Changes to Grass Cutting Services: The clerk had enquired about the three roads into Follifoot being maintained by Highways Grass Cutting Team, they said these would remain unchanged under the new reduction in Grass Cutting Services.
c) Councillor Hall said some of the Grit Bins in the area are in need of filling. Action: Clerk to request grit.

14. Parking on Tofts Lane: Some of the residents on Tofts Lane had expressed concerns over not being able to access their properties due to inappropriate parking on Tofts Lane, during events at the village hall. The Parish Council said it is the responsibility of the Village Hall committee to resolve, but would support the residents and write and ask the village hall committee to resolve the issue. Action: Clerk to prepare the letter.

15. FOFWRAP: No update, the group will meet in the New Year.

16. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank, current account £728.44 and deposit account £8,875.77, total £9,604.21
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure, for membership to CPRE and a leaving gift for B. Fisher.
Cheque No: 100737
c) Precept break-down information had been circulated. It was unanimously agreed that £7,000.00 would be requested.
d) Draft Financial Regulations: It was resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations. All councillors and internal auditor had received a copy.
e) Change in bank details: It was resolved to adopt the changes in bank details. With the main change to one signature on cheques and new signatures added and old signatures removed. In accordance with the new Financial Regulations.
f) Internet banking: It was resolved to apply to use internet banking, in accordance with the new Financial Regulations.

17. Grass cutting grant: The clerk said she had applied for the grant and is waiting for confirmation the grant will be approved.

18. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Follifoot Parish Boundary Line Enquiry – The clerk said she had referred the enquiry to North Yorkshire County Council.

19. Wind Turbine – The clerk had received correspondence regarding a planning application for a Wind Turbine within the Kirby Overblow Parish. The Parish Council decided they would not support or object the application.

20. Implications of the Community Infrastructure Levy on Commuted Sums: The Parish Council discussed the changes.

21. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) 6.121.146.C.S106 14/04816/S106 – Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road, Follifoot – Modification of Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 6.121.146.B.MULMAJ to allow alterations to the designation of houses from 6 Affordable Rented Dwellings and 6 Rural Discounted Homes to 12 Affordable Rented Homes. The Parish Council did not object to or support the application but made comments.
ii) 6.121.204.F.FUL 14/04889/FUL – 21 Hillside, Follifoot – Erection of two storey extension and porch. Installation of one window and bi-folding doors. The application had been submitted but the documentation not received, therefore the Parish Council Notification will be dealt with once received.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications: None
d) Fencing at Forge Green: See item 3a.
22. Date of next meeting: Thursday 8th January 2015 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.