11th January 2024


Held in the Village Hall on 11th January 2024

  1. PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Cllrs C. Dickinson, J. Locke, T. Hall, S. Gallimore

and K.Tharby. Also in attendance Cllr A. Paraskos (NYC) M Richards (Clerk) and 1 member of the public.

  1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Vice Chairman A Dewsnip.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
  3. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th December 2023: The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Locke and seconded by Councillor Dickinson. The Chairman then signed the minutes.
  4. Matters arising from previous minutes: Dealt with as part of the agenda.
  5. Planning

Applications Received

  1. a) ZC23/04268/FUL – Conversion of agricultural building to form dwelling (revised scheme)
    Barnfield, Plompton, Knaresborough.

The Chairman displayed the layout plans and compared them with the previous application. It was observed that changes had been made in recognition of the reasons for the previous refusal. A Councillor made observations about the “finish” of the building and that they thought a total rebuild would be a better approach – the Chairman agreed but pointed out that to be compliant with planning policy the scheme needs to be a conversion rather than replacement. The previous application that was refused did not meet that requirement. After further discussion, it was agreed that it was better visually to have the new development, rather than the existing redundant agricultural building, so it was resolved to SUPPORT the application but with a qualifying comment expressing concern about access and materials to be used.

  1. b) ZC23/04344/FUL – Double storey extension to existing dwelling with new entrance and parking arrangements. Loxley Barn, Plompton, Knaresborough.

Councillors considered the location and comparison between existing and proposed elevations. Whilst it was considered the extension was of a significant size there is no impact on neighbouring properties, so it was resolved to SUPPORT the application.


  1. c) ZC23/01192/FUL – Conversion of stables to create staff accommodation and extension to existing stable barn. Follifoot Park Riding Centre, Pannal Road.                                                                    GRANTED
  1. d) ZC23/04195/FUL – Proposed new greenhouse, The Cow Shed, Home Farm, Follifoot.
  2. e) ZC23/04114/FUL – Demolition of existing rear extension and section of outbuilding.

Proposed rear extension with single storey and two storey elements. Proposed veranda.

Creation of hallway in central arch driveway. Fenestration alterations. Internal alterations.

Creation of new parking area to front of property with level alterations. Proposed sliding gates. East View Cottages, Main Street, Follifoot.


Councillors noted the above decisions and had no comments.


  1. f) ZC23/03226/OUT – Proposed development of infill site on Pannal Road, Follifoot to

provide 3no. open market dwellings and 1no. affordable dwelling, with access and layout considered. | Land Comprising Field At 433407 452398 – Pannal Road, Follifoot.


Noted that there had been some local interest and concern over this application, with several residents attending a previous meeting to seek information and express theirconcerns, but otherwise councillors had no comments.

  1.     Chairman’s communications – included as part of the agenda.
  2. Clerk’s communications
    a) Home Upgrade Grant – a new grant – “The Home Upgrade Grant phase 2 (HUG2)” is available to help homes that are not on mains gas and have poor quality insulation and inefficient heating systems. There are a number of eligibility checks which will mean that only a limited number of properties within the Parish may qualify. Councillors agreed however, that the information should be made generally available and the clerk will arrange for the scheme to be publicised via the notice board and FaceBook
  1. b) Law and Governance bulletin. The clerk made Councillors aware of the monthly bulletin, issued by YLCA. He normally only circulated items which he thought of specific interest to this Parish, although councillors do have access themselves via a link and councillor password (to be circulated) Of particular interest in the December bulletin was the recommendation by both the Yorkshire and National Association of Local Councils, that all parish councils, irrespective of size, should establish a Staffing Committee. The purpose of such a committee is to ensure that councils undertake their employment duties properly and effectively. Councillors discussed but it was felt that the relationship between the clerk and the Chairman was such that all employment issues were considered and mutually agreed before being subsequently confirmed by the Council. If any issues could not be resolved in this way, the clerk understood there was a clear pathway to the Vice Chairman as an alternative. It was agreed, consequently that a Staffing Committee was not required,but this would be subject to an annual review.

The bulletin also recommended that the new updated model contract of employment introduced. The clerk explained however, that his current contract was closely aligned the new version and he did not feel the need for any changes. Councillors accepted this recommendation.

  1.   Parish matters
    a) Cllr Hall reported that the gullies adjacent to the “entrance triangle” on the A661, appeared to be blocked and required jetting and the bollards at this location had been demolished. Cllr Paraskos agreed to bring these matters to the attention of NYC Highways.
  1.  b) The Pound/Horse Pond Beck walls. Cllr Hall has inspected and provided estimated repair costs. A councillor raised the question of whether Horse Pond Beck should in fact be the responsibility of NYC Highways? Cllr Paraskos will check.

c) Additional Defibrillator for Plompton.

Cllr Hall had raised this issue again with residents, but as previously, there had been no

positive responses.

  1. d) Information Centre defibrillator – signage. The clerk has contacted the local contractor who confirmed that he is able to carry out the work and will provide a quotation of the cost.
  1. Traffic calming
  2. a) VAS – Cllr Dickinson reported that current data was slightly disappointing compared with the previous month, showing some 2% lower instances of 30mph and below, even though there had been less traffic overall. There were also more vehicles driving at excessive speeds and Cllr Dickinson added that a car travelling at 48mph had passed him whilst he was actually extracting the data. He later observed it at the School! Councillors noted and hoped for improvement in the next period. The Chairman thanked Cllr Dickinson for his report.
  3. b) Picket fences – Pannal Road. The clerk had confirmed with the contractor that the installation work would be in the week commencing 29th He will liaise with the contractor to ensure the correct location of the fences. The Chairman remarked that although the cost of installation and supply of the fences was significant, anything which potentially improves road safety is a worthwhile investment.
  4.   Follifields
    Upkeep and maintenance – work required.
    a)  Wildflower area. Cllr Gallimore confirmed that the cutting back has now been completed and the “arisings” will be cleared shortly.
  1. b) Weeding of the path and table tennis area. The clerk has spoken with the contractor and arrangements will be made to carry out the work with a temporary closure of the area whilst weedkiller is applied.
  1. c) ROSPA report. The main outstanding issue was the “pinch point” on the entrance gate.Cllr Gallimore will liaise with the contractor to get the work done, probably by affixing rubber inserts.
  1.    d) Bench refurbishment. The contractor has in hand and will complete when weather conditions permit.
  1.                                         Finance
  2.           a) Review of finances, approve expenditure.

.                 Balance at the bank on 11th January 2024 in Current Account £329.97 and Deposit Account £26,889.50, total £27,219.47. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process.

Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 11th January was provided with receipt and payments in the period 14th December to 11th January, reconciling to the account balances shown above. Councillors then unanimously agreed the 4 amounts below for payment.

Clerk’s salary (Jan) M Richards £380.78 Bank transfer
PAYE income tax HMRC £95.19 Bank transfer
Donation CAB £50.00 Bank transfer
Picket fences M Richards £590.40 Bank transfer
  1.      b) The clerk ran through the Summary and Cumulative budget statements, explaining the current position and the anticipated outturn against the agreed budget. Councillors noted the position but Cllr Dickinson then commented that the period headings on some of the statements needed updating to 2023/24. He also asked if the actual month could be namedon the “By Month” and associated statements? The Chairman agreed and the clerk will action for future statements.
  2.   Items for the next meeting

None notified.

The meeting finished at 8.45.

Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 8th February 2024