12th January 2023
Thursday 12th January 2023
Held in Follifoot Village Hall.
PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors J Locke, K Tharby and S Gallimore. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and one resident.
1.Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted fromCllrs C Dickinson, T Hall, and Cllr A Paraskos (NYCC/HBC),
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2022: Councillor Dewsnipproposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Tharby. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
Covered as part of the agenda.
6. Chairman’s communications
Defibrillator software upgrade. The Chairman confirmed that the village
defibrillator did not require the upgrade after contacting the company carrying
out the work. Other issues covered as part of the agenda.
8. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) The clerk had circulated an approach from a company sponsoring the
“PARISH.UK” website. This website has been launched to provide “a
consistent and recognisable framework on which to display open-source
data about parishes across England and Wales”. The Chairman displayed the
the specific follifoot.parish.uk website and councillors were quite impressed
with the content and style but did query the need to formally register and
endorse the link to the PC’s own website. The clerk will request further details
before a decision is made to pursue registration.
b) Litter bins. HBC has confirmed that the relocation of the new bin to
Follifields will now be completed before the end of February. The clerk will
arrange for removal of the hedge, to create the space for the bin, to be done
with a temporary barrier put in place before the bin is installed.
8. Parish matters
a) Plompton. No matters reported.
b) i) Telephone box/Information Centre refurbishment. Quotation accepted
from the contractor who has advised that the quality of modern paint would
allow repainting etc to be completed now rather than wait for warmer weather
as previously thought. The clerk will monitor progress.
ii) Defibrillator panel signs – the clerk has arranged purchase. He will enquire
about illumination of the fitted signs.
c) Tofts Lane footpath obstruction. As reported previously, the clerk had
written to one resident asking for an overhanging tree branch and other
vegetation to be cut back. No response has been received but before any
further action is contemplated, Cllr Gallimore agreed to contact the resident
to ascertain their views, but also to restate their legal responsibility.
d) Footpaths – width of gates. Cllr Locke had observed that some footpaths
and gates around the village were not wide enough to allow pushchairs and
wheelchairs etc, easy passage. Whilst councillors agreed, a viable solution
covering all footpaths was not considered realistic. The Chairman then asked
Cllr Locke to suggest a circular footpath route which would benefit from better
access and he would consult with the landowner to see if the necessary
improvements could be made.
9. Traffic calming
a) VAS. Current data is slightly worse than November’s. Volumes were lower
as was to be expected and 6 vehicles exceeded 50mph against 2 in
November. No significant matters of concern. Cllr Dewsnip did report
however, that a Pannal Road resident had expressed her concern at the
speed of traffic past her house, generally. Councillors discussed the
possibility of extending the 30mph limit virtually to the Pannal Road/A658
junction. The clerk will raise the matter with the NYCC Highways Safety
Officer. The possibility of pursuing the “20’s Plenty” (20mph limit) initiative on
Main Street, particularly adjacent to the School, will also be considered.
b) Picket fence. Councillors agreed that consideration be given to installing
the picket fence removed from the Haggs Road location to Pannal Road. To
discuss next meeting.
10. Follifields update.
a) The ROSPA safety inspection report. The Chairman and Cllr Gallimore
undertook to review action needed per the report and report back to the clerk
who would arrange for any necessary work to be carried out by local
b) Wildflower area. All cuttings have now been removed. On behalf of the
Parish Council, the Chairman thanked all the volunteers (including himself!)
who had worked tirelessly to clear the area. He also thanked Rudding
Estates for the use of the trailer and for the disposal of the cuttings. Cllr
Gallimore agreed to consult with the local horticultural expert regarding the
best arrangements for wildflower re-seeding.
c) New bench. Thanks to Cllr Paraskos for a £500 contribution from his
Locality Budget were expressed. It was decided to purchase a new bench, to
be located adjacent to the play equipment. A picnic table/bench had been
considered but it was thought that this might give rise to increased litter, so a
simple bench was chosen. The clerk will initiate purchase and the Chairman
and Cllr Gallimore, as part of their review at 10a) above, will identify the best
location for the bench.
d) Fundraising. The focus on fundraising has moved from a November to
March timing. Views have been sought regarding the format and from
responses it’s been decided to opt for a Country and Western format,
possibly including line dancing! The date will be either 11th or 18th March.
e) Dog sign. Cllr Gallimore is looking into the possibility of a circular sign
affixed to a post, confirming “no dogs allowed”, in the entrance to Follifields.
11. Planning
a) Applications Received
i) 22/04751/DVCON – Variation of condition 2. (approved drawings) 7.
(access, parking, manoeuvring and turning areas) and 9. (parking spaces,
turning areas, and access) of planning permission 22/04041/FUL to allow
conversion of approved car port to home office, gym, plant and WC. Land to
the East of Burnison’s Whin, Rudding Lane.
Councillors had agreed to support the initial application (for the conversion of
a derelict wooden building into a holiday let) but it was now felt that this, and
previous revision applications, were now changing the nature of the project,
potentially into the development of a residential home. On that premise, the
majority view of councillors was to OBJECT to this application.
ii) 22/04797/TPO – T1 (Oak) – Lateral reduction by up to 2m to the red lines in
the attached photos. Maximum pruning cuts of 45mm but more like 25mm in
most places. Clear phone wires by 30cm maximum pruning cuts 30mm.
55/2022 G1 (Cypress) – Crown lift to 3.5m to the red line in the attached
photo, on Meadowsweet side only, leaving next doors side as it is. Removing
0.4m maximum pruning cuts of 40mm. 54/2022 and 55/2022. H C Townsend
& Son Funeral Directors, Oakfield House, Tofts Lane.
Councillors examined carefully the photographs of the proposals, displayed
by the Chairman, and considered the comments of HBC’s arboriculturist. As
these comments were in favour of the proposals, it was agreed to SUPPORT
the application.
iii) 22/04779/ADV – Signage package consisting of 10 signs, including 4 post
mounted lozenge, 1 set of individual sign written letters, 2 wall mounted
enamel plaques, 1 wall mounted timber sign and 1 aluminium sign. The
Kestrel, Wetherby Road.
The application consists of minor changes to the wording of the exterior signs
and councillors could see no reason to object. It was agreed to SUPPORT
the application but with a comment requesting the repositioning of the “A
Board” signage on the roadside, which does present a slight sight line
iv) 23/00054/TPO – Thin and reduce overhang by 2m to 1 no. Beech tree
within Tree Preservation Order 23/2021 Rowan Tree Cottage, Pannal Road.
As with 11 ii) above, based on the comments of the arboriculturist, councillors
agreed to SUPPORT the application.
b) Decisions –
22/04135/TPO – Crown lift over drive, up to 3.5m. Removal of 1x limb over
property side approximately 5m above ground level of 1no. Oak tree (T1) of
Tree Preservation order 36/2012. Removal of 2x lower branches on property
side of 1no. Oak (T2) and Crown lift to 5.2m over highway and 3.5m over
property side of 1no. Oak (T3) within G1 of Tree Preservation Order 36/2012.
Lolburn House, Pannal Road. GRANTED.
Councillors noted the above decision.
12. Finance and Governance:
a) Balance at the bank on 12th January 2023, Current Account £1,446.76
and Deposit Account £26,180.41 (total £27,627.17) Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment
authorisation process.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 12th January was provided
with receipts and payments in the period 8th December to 12th January,
reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then
unanimously agreed the 5 amounts below for payment.
M Richards | Clerk’s salary Jan | £346.66 | Bank Transfer |
HMRC | PAYE Dec | £86.67 | Bank Transfer |
HMRC | PAYE Jan | £86.67 | Bank Transfer |
Village Hall | Room rental | £48.00 | Bank Transfer |
M Richards | Defib panel signs | £104.70 | Bank Transfer |
c) The Chairman then ran through the bank reconciliation and budget
spreadsheet, explaining the entries for the expenditure recorded above. He
then referred to the figures in the “Forecast Year to go” column in the Summary
worksheet, explaining that the updates reflected the actual amounts known to be
spent before the year end thereby showing a more accurate year end outturn
against budget. A councillor asked about the budget amount of £1,000 for
donations and the Chairman responded that this was originally intended as a
contribution to the School for a specific capital purchase but this was not now
proceeding. Suggestions from the School or other village organisations for
funding are welcome. A suggestion was then made for a contribution towards the
Village Hall energy survey. The Chairman then asked councillors to come
forward with any requests for donations to be discussed at the next meeting. In
response to a question about ring-fencing, the Chairman explained that these
were specific amounts set aside for future expenditure on specific areas eg the
£5,000 set aside for Follifields, arising from specific fundraising for that purpose
and the £1,500 set aside for Plompton specific expenditure, arising from the 2
amounts from the film company for the filming in Plompton.
Councillors had no other comments or questions.
d) Appointment of Internal Auditor.
The clerk had again approached the internal auditor of another local parish
council and, based on the revised terms and conditions on offer, (which meet
legal requirements), he has accepted the appointment.
13. Items for the next meeting
Items notified –
i) Date and arrangements for Spring litter pick
ii) King Charles III coronation – celebration events
The meeting closed at 9.15pm
Date of next Parish Council meeting: –
Thursday 9th February 2023. To be held at Follifoot Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.