12th September 2019

Thursday 12th September 2019

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, S Riley, T Hall and J Locke. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and NYCC/HBC Cllr A Paraskos.
1. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2019: Councillor Riley proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dickinson. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Bus service – The clerk read out the exchange of emails between a resident and the Managing Director of Connexions. Councillors discussed and agreed that it was very disappointing to learn of Connexions response to a legitimate and reasoned complaint by the village resident. The response was both rude and unreasonable and culminated in an implied threat to withdraw the bus service to Follifoot. The clerk has copied the exchange of emails to the responsible Transport Officer at NYCC and her response is awaited. Councillors then discussed possible next steps – if the service is indeed withdrawn, would NYCC be bound to accept a bid from an alternative supplier (such as Transdev) even if that bid were higher than the current contract? Cllr Paraskos thought that that was the case. He will, in any event, raise the matter again with the Transport Officer.
b) Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) speed warning signs. The clerk had circulated the revised consultation paper following councillor comments. He will contact the previous clerk to locate the distribution plan which will facilitate distribution of the leaflet to all residents by splitting the Parish into 4 parts, with councillors taking distribution responsibility for one of the areas. He has contacted the NYCC Highways officer responsible for the site surveys which determine suitable VAS locations, to make him aware of the Parish interest and will now follow up to ascertain available dates for the inspection.
c) Bus shelter litter bin. The clerk has now received the bin and will request a quotation for installation, before instructing the village handyman to carry out the installation.
6 Chairman’s communications
a) A complaint had been made about the overgrown nature of the footpath
off Main Street. The Chairman will ascertain which properties are involved and pass the information to the clerk, who will then write, requesting that the hedges etc are cut back to permit better access for pedestrians.
b) The Chairman had been notified of “wear and tear” to the bench adjacent to Rudding Gates. The clerk will contact the village handyman and ask him to assess what repair work is needed.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) Consultations – HBC are asking for comments on the latest amendment to the Local Plan and also views on the 2020-2021 budget proposal. Councillors had no comments to make.
b) Enquiry re the Radcliffe family, from the National Museums Liverpool. Councillors suggested the NYCC archives would be the best dource of any information. The clerk will pass on the details.
c) HBC’s draft charging schedule for its Community Infrastructure Levy has been submitted to the Secretary of State. The clerk had circulated this document and related papers for information. If accepted and implemented, this new procedure should allow any levies from local housing and other developments, to be applied directly for the benefit of Parish Council projects.
8 Matters concerning Follifoot
a) A resident had complained about inconsiderate parking on Radcliffe Close, by people using Follifields. Councillors agreed that visitors to Follifields should be asked to park their cars without causing obstruction to other road users, particularly residents. The clerk will investigate the possibility of producing a sign or signs, requesting users to park responsibly.
b) The grass verges from Pannal Road into Radcliffe Close had become overgrown and were affecting visibility for drivers exiting the Close. The clerk had determined that the responsibility for cutting these “visibility splays” lay with the Parish Council. He will ask the village handyman to undertake this task as part of the regular maintenance programme.
c) Cllr Dewsnip asked if there had been any progress regarding the reparatory work to the underpass? No action seems to have been taken – the clerk will again follow up with NYCC.
d) “Follifitt” – extension of the agreement for operating the weekly exercise class is now due. The clerk will contact the organisers to ascertain whether they wish to continue and also follow up the issue of the contribution to Parish funds, originally agreed.
9 Matters concerning Plompton
Councillor Hall advised councillors of the attempted theft of the BT phone box. The attempt had been unsuccessful although the box was uprooted from its location. The police and BT had been informed and the box was now located in Cllr Hall’s yard until a decision is made as to its future.
10 Neighbourhood Watch – the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) was unable to attend the meeting, but had circulated his report to councillors. Coincillors were concerned about the number of incidents reported with reference to “sex and violence” and asked if further details were available. The clerk commented that the “police.uk” website from which the details of these incidents were obtained was very limited. He will enquire of the Parish PCSO whether further details are available.
11 Village Up Keep
a) Councillors approved the payment for the work carried out by the village handyman in the 3 months to August 31st.
b) It was agreed that the Radcliffe Close/Pannal Road verges (as at 8b) above), and both sides of Plompton Green be added to the regular maintenance programme.
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) Dog park – councillors discussed at length the pros and cons of creating a
“dog park”. Ultimately, it was concluded that a “dog park” would not be
constructed and dogs would not be allowed in the play area.
b) The Chairman noted that the tidying of the overgrown gravel path and
tamping down of the disturbed areas, had become urgent. The clerk will
contact the contractor to arrange.
c) The Chairman observed that the hedgerow had been trimmed and asked
that the thanks of the Parish Council be conveyed to Rudding Estate. The
clerk will pass on the message.
d) Fundraising for the maintenance etc of Follifields will continue, with such
functions as Curry Nights being the main focus. Cllr Paraskos offered to fund
a specific event, such as a Garden Party, from his Locality Budget.
13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th June 2019, Current Account £613.42 and
Deposit Account £15991.04 (total £16,604.46) Bank statements initialled by
the Chairman, in confirmation – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st August was provided
– see Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors, who
M Richards Clerk’s salary – August £286.76 Bank Transfer
HMRC PAYE – August £71.69 Bank Transfer
Village Handyman Maintenance June-Aug £487.50 Bank Transfer
S Bush Follifields maintenance £120.00 Bank Transfer
S Bush Follifields maintenance £120.00 Bank Transfer
Glasdon Litter bin £75.38 Bank Transfer

examined the supporting documentation for the above expenditure and signed
the covering authority sheet as “approved.”
d) Internal Audit report – the report had been circulated previously and the
Chairman outlined the key points:
– security and financial control is satisfactory, to be further
strengthened by the implementation of the new banking arrangements
as below at e)
– computer back up to be at least monthly and, as well as the back up
to an external hard drive, all data will be backed up to a data stick held
by the Chairman
– access to the computer is via a password known only to the clerk.
The password will be noted in a sealed envelope and passed to the
The Chairman thanked the Internal Auditor for his work in compiling the report
and noted that future audit arrangements would be streamlined via posting of
accounting activities to a secure “drop box” which would allow remote audit
review rather than the potential problems of unavailability of the clerk or
internal auditor in arranging face to face meetings. All councillors indicated
their approval to formally adopt the report.
e) Banking arrangements – the Chairman reported on the progress towards
setting up a new bank account with Barclays, which would allow online, dual
authorisation of all payments. Bank authorisation forms for all councillors as
required, will be forwarded to the bank and establishment of the accounts will
follow in due course.
14. Planning:
a) Notification of decisions received since last meeting – for information.
i) 19/01716/FUL – erection of single storey extension to clubhouse, Harrogate
Rugby Union Club. APPROVED
ii) 19/02583/FUL – erection of two storey extension, single storey extension
and alteration to fenestration – 2 Ivy Close, Follifoot
iii) 19/03012/LB Listed building consent for infilling of 3 bays of existing
storage area and inclusion of existing converted areas to form additional
dwelling – Plompton Hall Farm, Plompton
iv) 19/02525/FUL – conversion of storage building to create 1 dwelling –
Plompton Hall Farm, Plompton.
Councillors noted the above decisions, but Cllr Hall thought that there were a
number of developments at Plompton which had not been notified to the
Parish Council. The clerk will follow up. He will also set up individual “planning
alerts” for each councillor.
b) Applications Received
i) 19/002933/FUL – demolition of shed and erection of replacement shed –
Orchard Barn, Wingate Court, Plompton
ii) 19/03243/DVCON – variation of condition to allow alteration to access
road – High Grange Farm, Plompton.
iii) 19/03040/FUL – demolition of existing detached dwelling, erection of
replacement – Alexander Lodge, Alexander House, Pannal Road, Follifoot.

Councillors discussed and agreed to SUPPORT the three applications above.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
15. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on 10th October 2019 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot,