14th May 2020
Thursday 14th May 2020
This was the second meeting held remotely via the Skype video-conferencing software, in accordance with the Government’s advice and legislation arising from the Covid-19 restrictions.
PRESENT: ChairmanN MacDermid, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, J Locke, T Hall and S Riley. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and 1 resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr T Martin (Vice Chairman) and NYCC/HBC Cllr A Paraskos.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3 Public Participation session: No matters arising.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2020: Councillor Dewsnip proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Riley. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes (to be scanned and forwarded to the clerk).
5. Chairman’s communications
a) A resident had reported the fly tipping of household waste behind the lay by
on the A658 (John Metcalf Way) The clerk reported the matter to HBC and
after a short delay, the rubbish was removed (confirmed by the Chairman).
b) A resident had suggested the creation of a “time capsule”, possibly to be
buried in Follifields. All councillors agreed this was a good idea and should be
progressed after lockdowm, as part of a community event.
c) Plaques on trees. A resident had offered to clean the
plaques in front of the trees on Plompton Road and the Chairman
had responded thanking the resident and accepting his offer. On closer
inspection it was found that rather than brass, the plaques were coloured
plastic. It was agreed that the plaques should be replaced with brass ones
once the covid-19 restrictions have been lifted.
d) A resident had raised the issue of grass verge cutting on Hillside and also
that some of the trees required pruning. The clerk will check with HBC a) the
areas on Hillside included in the grass cutting contract, and b) who is
responsible for tree pruning.
e) A resident on Ivy Close had reported suspicious activity one night by two
individuals. Whilst there was no evidence of a crime being committed then or
since, the unexplained presence at night of unknown individuals is disturbing.
All residents are encouraged to contact the police, via 101, and report any
such incidents.
6. Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) The clerk referred to the legislation regarding accessibility to public authority
websites, which comes into force in September this year. The legislation
requires, for example, the ability to navigate most of the website using just a
keyboard, and being able to navigate most of the website using speech
recognition software. Adapting the website will clearly require specific
expertise, but before pursuing this option, councillors agreed to await HBC
and NYCC’s website re-design and advice from YLCA. It was pointed out in
the meeting that the village website was created by and maintained by a local
resident rather than the parish council. The clerk will follow up to see whether
the legislation still applies in these circumstances.
b) Picket fences and VAS. The clerk had contacted NYCC re the potential
location for picket fences and the officer confirmed that he would need to
undertake a site visit to determine. The clerk agreed to follow up to request a
visit and a recommendation on location.VAS – the Chairman confirmed that a
final decision would be taken after the reperformance of the speed tests,
which could obviously only be done once traffic conditions return to normal.
7. Finance.
a) The Chairman talked through the amendments he had made to the monthly
spreadsheet of receipts and payments which continues to provide up to date
information of receipts an payments to date (including the current period’s
activity) but now shows ongoing comparison with the budget on a monthly
basis and the balance remaining for the rest of the year. Councillors
were pleased to note the additional information provided and had no issues to
b) Councillors approved the following items of expenditure included in the
budget statement.
Clerk’s salary (April) – £286.76
PAYE – £71.69
Village Hall – room rental – £189.00
Grass cutting – Follifields – S Bush – £217.50
Councillors also noted the receipt of the first instalment of the precept, £5360.00.
The meeting adjourned at 7.58 to allow all “present” to take part in “Clap for the NHS” and re-commenced at 8.05.
8. Maintenance Bedding plants – the village handyman had carried out preparatory work at
the stone troughs on the entrances to the village. Councillors
volunteered as follows, to plant bedding plants in these locations.
Cllr Dickinson – Horse Pond Beck
Cllr MacDermid – Pannal Road (from the by-pass)
Cllr Locke – Plompton Road and Spofforth Road. Cllr Locke has
cultivated a quantity of bedding plants which he will provide for this purpose.
He will inform the other councillors of the quantity he uses and additional
plants will be purchased as necessary.
9. Covid-19
a) The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had circulated further examples of
“Coronavirus scams” Councillors acknowledged and continue to warn
residents to be wary of unsolicited phone calls and emails offering “too good
to be true offers” (which overwhelmingly are!)
b) Closure of Follifields – the Chairman confirmed that, although some parks
were being re-opened, Follifields would remain closed due to the need to
prevent the play equipment from being used, in line with government
guidelines. A community event, with the offer of funding from Cllr Paraskos,
will be arranged for a “Grand Re-opening” when restrictions are relaxed.
c) The Chairman asked for councillors’ views on the current streamlined
content and conduct of meetings. All councillors agreed that the remote
meetings, although slightly restricted in content, worked very well and the
pattern should continue when formal physical meetings return.
10. Planning:
a) Applications Received
20/01298/FUL – demolition of single storey entrance lobby, erection of 2
storey extension,10 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot. Councillors discussed, noting
that the plan was effectively the addition of a second storey on to the existing
entrance lobby and did not alter the footprint of the house. This was different
from the other recent application on Leconfield Garth, which had been
refused. The resident presented the views of the next door neighbour to
number 10 (who was unable to attend the meeting) as follows:
– a green site notice had not been displayed
– the names of the applicant and that on the site plan differ
– no objection in principle to the application
Cllr Dewsnip observed that the apparently differing names were in fact the
same person, with single and married surnames being used. The clerk will
make HBC Planning Department aware of the missing site notice. This
should mean that the timescale for comments and observations is
extended.The Chairman then observed that the completed development of
this property would match an existing house also on Leconfield Garth. He
recommended that the Parish Council supports this application and all
councillors agreed.
The chairman also observed that the current consultation process for
responding to planning application was quite restrictive. Specifially, for example,
where an application is supported the formal process only allows for an “the
Parish Council supports this application”, rather than stating why. It was agreed
that in addition to the formal response process, the parish council may also
choose to write a letter setting out their rationale from their formal response. It
was agreed that in the case of above application this would be appropriate,
drawing attention to the fact that there is already a property on Leconfield Garth
that carried this exact same modification a number of years ago,
b) Decisions notified – None.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.30.
Date of next Meeting: : – to be held remotely, unless Government restrictions change, 11th June 2020 at 7.30pm,