14th November 2013


Meeting Minutes 14th November 2013

Present: Chairman B. Fisher, Councillors N. MacDermid, T. Hall, C. Florance, C. Gogna, E. Jones, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and Neighbourhood Coordinator M. Hammond.
1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor T. Martin.
2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: Declaration of items on the Agenda received from N. MacDermid for items 8 and 11.  Also received from Councillor E. Jones and Clerk S. Hinchcliffe for item 11.
3. Public Participation session: M. Hammond commented on last month’s Police Report and said people should continue to be cautious of cold callers.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th October 2013: The minutes were proposed to be a correct record by C. Florance and seconded by T. Hall, and signed by Vice Chairman N. MacDermid.
5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) 9b) Bus Service – Revised service through Follifoot, the clerk reminded the councillors that the consultation ends on 23rd November and to complete the questionnaire if they have not already done so.
b) 10a) Discussed the installation of Double Yellow Lines at top of Main Street.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said he had received a letter from two residents regarding the proposed recreation area in Follifoot.  It had been sent to all Councillors.  The letter was discussed.
7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) The Replacement sign at Plompton had not yet been installed.  The clerk will enquire with Highways.
b) T. Hall asked the clerk to request some salt for the Wetherby Road/Plompton Junction.
c) T. Hall said he had delivered the Superfast Broadband leaflets around Plompton.
8. Phone Kiosk – Information Centre:
a) N. MacDermid said he had not received a response from Tourist Information regarding the possibility of free display stands.  He said he will contact them again.
b) The window frames had arrived.  N. MacDermid to arrange installation.
9. Highways:
a) The Chairman asked if the Clerk would contact Highways regarding the Pot holes outside Lilac Cottage and Pear Tree Cottage, Main Street.  Action: Clerk to contact ighHHighways and request repair.
b) The Chairman asked if the Clerk would contact Highways regarding the Kestrel Roundabout, and request the yellow box lines are re-painted, to ensure the space on the roundabout is not blocked by traffic.   Action: Clerk to contact Highways and request lines are repainted.
c) Plompton Road – Parish Councillors reported the sign for the sharp bend on Plompton Road, visibility was obscured by ivy.  Various other signs were not clear due to ivy or in need of a clean.   Action: The clerk will report it to Highways
10. FOFWRAP:  An update of FOFWRAP’s recent meeting was given and discussed.  It was agreed all Parish Councillors would receive an email copy of the Minutes.
11. Harrogate District Local Plan Consultation: The clerk said she had emailed the Parish Councillors regarding the questionnaire and asked them to consider completing it.
12. Risk Assessment: C. Florance had completed the majority of the Risk Assessments.  He highlighted some maintenance issues and said there were no obvious risks.  Action: Clerk to organise maintenance jobs.
13. Asset Register: The clerk said she was still working on ascertaining the correct method to record the village Assets.
14. Meeting Dates for 2014:  The clerk had emailed the dates to the Councillors, it was agreed to postpone the January meeting to 16th.  Action: Clerk to email updated list to Parish Councillors and display on notice boards.
15. Waste and Refuse:
a) NYCC- Consultation ‘Changing the Way we Deal with Waste’: Recent correspondence from NYCC was discussed.
b) Prevention of Fly-Tipping in Follifoot was discussed.  Action:  Clerk to obtain views of HBC on prosecuting people who Fly-tip.
c) N. MacDermid said he had received a letter from HBC regarding reinstating Tofts Lane’s Recycling.  HBC had agreed to restart collecting the residents recycling from Tofts Lane.  E. Jones thanked the Parish Councillors for writing to HBC about the matter.
16. Standing Orders:  YLCA had suggested that all Parish Councils look at their standing orders and update them.  Action: The clerk to complete the proposed format and send to Councillors for discussion.
17. Planning Policy – YLCA email:  Information not available.
18. Affordable Housing Enquiry: The Parish Council discussed the meeting held with a representative from Space Partnership regarding additional Affordable Housing in the village. It was decided the Parish Council would obtain the results of the DTZ survey, to assist in establishing how many Affordable Homes are required in Follifoot.  The Parish Council would also enquire into the eligibility criteria for the proposed Affordable Housing on Pannal Road. Action: Clerk to speak to Planning and Housing at HBC.
19. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank, £8029.62 in deposit account and £894.04 in current account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for Phone Kiosk frames and re-pointing the Pound, painting gates at Kitty Corner, painting green bench and bus shelter.  
Unicorn Kiosk – Frames
AW Joinery – Maintenance
c) Precept meeting to be organised, B. Fisher to contact the clerk with some dates.
20. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The email received from YLCA regarding Parish Precept, was discussed.
b) Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule and Revised Statement of Community Involvement – see item 11
21. Planning:
a) Applications
i) Railway House, Follifoot, Harrogate 6.121.201.A.FUL 13/03785/FUL
Erection of replacement dwelling.  The Parish Council did not object to or support the application but wished to make comments.
ii) Low Grange Farm, Plompton, Knaresborough 6.108.4.H.FUL 13/03885/FUL
Erection of agricultural workers dwelling and garage.  No objection.
iii) Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road, Follifoot
6.121.146.B.FULMAJ 13/04091/FULMAJ
Erection of 12 affordable residents units and formation of vehicle access.  The Parish Council objected to the application, on the basis the suggested materials were not sympathetic to the adjoining properties.  
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications – 13/03511/FUL 12 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot application was approved.
d) Planning Enforcement Case No: 13/00460/PR15 Thistle Hill – Possible breach of planning, siting of large shipping container and size of Car Park increased.
22. Date of next meeting: Thursday 12th December 2013 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.

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