2009 June


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 25 June 2009

Present : Parish Councillors E. Bolton, U. Cansfield, C. Florance, S. Milligan, T. Martin, B. Butler (Chairman), P.C. M. Ayre and one resident.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillor B. Fisher and M. Hammond
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda : There were none.
Public participation session : The Chairman invited P.C. Ayre to give his report. He stated that there were two crimes to report since the last meeting. One was theft of a fuel pump from a farm in Plompton and the other theft of sunglasses at Rudding Holiday Park.

There were no other matters raised by members of the public.

Minutes of the meeting held on 14.5.09 : Having been proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by E. Bolton, the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.
Matters arising from the minutes :
Item 13 b) Roadworks on Pellentine Road and Hillside – patching and micro surfacing had been completed, save for a small area on Hillside occupied by a car which the contractors were unable to move. The contractors will return to finish the job in due course.
Item 11 the allotment rental has been paid.
Item 8 Retaining wall, Lilac Cottage – the owner of the property would have preferred direct contact from the Parish Council.
Chairman’s communications :
Flytipping – bags of rubbish left on Plompton Road lay-by and in the ditch on Pannal Road. Clerk to report to Harrogate Council
Namestones – the Chairman has planted summer bedding and a watering rota was discussed.
Plompton : There were no matters to report, but the Chairman reminded the meeting that a bag of daffodil bulbs from Harrogate Council had been earmarked for the village. E. Bolton would arrange for a working group to plant the bulbs in the autumn.
Dog fouling in Follifoot : The Parish Council resolved to send a letter and leaflet to all households in the village. U. Cansfield offered to arrange for distribution with the parish magazine which was accepted with thanks.
Highways :
Pothole, Pannal Road has been patched and missing grid at Aketon replaced.
Rural safety schemes – NYCC is reviewing and prioritising the outstanding approved works, each parish council will be informed of the outcome of the exercise. In Follifoot, this involves moving the speed restriction signs on Spofforth Lane.
Finance :
Balance at the bank – £ 7341.25 in the accounts. Receipts of £ 20 for allotment rental and .77p bank interest.
Request for authorisation of expenditure: £ 48.90 to Harrogate Council for grass cutting and £ 771.55 for the clerk’s first quarter salary. Expenditure proposed by T. Martin and seconded by S. Milligan. The Parish Council considered a quotation for insuring the ‘bus shelters and wooden seats. The annual cost would be £ 427 in addition to £ 295 which provided cover for employer and public liability and fidelity. Following a discussion and having assessed the risks, the Parish Council resolved that insurance cover should remain at its current level.
Annual return 2008-2009 – the Parish Council resolved to approve the statement of accounts which were duly signed by the Chairman.
Annual Return 2008-2009 – The Parish Council resolved to approve the annual governance statement which was duly signed by the Chairman.
Clerk’s report and correspondence :
The mounting block, Main Street – letter received from English Heritage stating that a decision had been reached not to list it. This was because it was not in its historical context and was not unusual enough to merit listing.
Request for donations from national charities – the Parish Council were of the opinion that such charitable giving was a matter of choice for individuals and monies for which the council was responsible should be used to directly benefit the community. A letter would be drafted to send in response to such requests.
CE Electric priority services register- for people with special needs during power cuts. If you’re interested in knowing more about emergency electricians near me, they’re trained to analyze and reduce safety risks. They have the skills and tools to deal with risky conditions, including exposed wires, electrical fires, and overloaded circuits. Look for more information to learn more about it. An application form for registration can be obtained by ‘phoning 0800 652 6543. Information will be put on the parish notice boards shortly.

Information received since the last meeting was circulated to councillors.
Planning :
Report on the YLCA’s Harrogate committee meeting with the head of planning services. T. Martin attended on behalf of the Parish Council. Questions had been submitted by parish councils which were mainly focussed on specific applications. Participants were directed to refer to Harrogate Council’s policy guidance to answer general questions. Parish councils appeared to favour a checklist of matters they might consider when consulted on planning applications.
No applications had been received.
Outcome of previous applications: Approved Burnison House, Rudding Lane for a dry stone wall and 4 Park Side, Pannal Road for external rendering. Councillors requested sight of the reasons for granting permission for the latter property and would study the relevant policy documents and conservation area requirements for a discussion at the next meeting.

13. Date of next meeting: Thursday 30 July 2009 at 8 pm.