2009 May
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 14 May 2009
Present : Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler, U. Cansfield, E. Bolton, P.C. M. Ayre and two residents.
Apologies for absence : Parish Councillors S. Milligan, C. Florance and T. Martin
The Chairman invited P.C. Ayre to make his report. There had been one crime reported since the last meeting, theft of garden furniture in Follifoot village. P.C. Ayre advised that it was helpful if people marked their property and kept it secure in locked outbuildings. In the summer months houses were more vulnerable to burglary as windows were often left open.
2. Election of Chairman: B. Fisher was proposed by B. Butler and seconded by U. Cansfield. He duly signed the acceptance of office.
3. Election of Vice-Chairman: B. Butler was proposed by B. Fisher and seconded by E. Bolton and was duly elected.
4. Election of representative to the Village Hall committee: B. Butler was proposed by E. Bolton and seconded by U. Cansfield. He was duly elected.
5. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda: There were none.
6. Public Participation session: Grass verges, Plompton Road, Follifoot. A resident enquired whether these would be reinstated after the recent works to install new gas pipes. It was thought appropriate to await the completion of the works before considering any action. The Chairman has noted the contractors ‘phone number.
7. Minutes of the meeting held on 16.4.09: having been proposed by B. Butler and seconded by U. Cansfield, the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.
8. Matters arising from the minutes: – for information
a) item 9b) retaining wall, Main Street. NYCC Highways had arranged for the wall to be inspected and reported that it did not appear to be dangerous at present. The owner of the property would be contacted and asked to check the wall for safety.
9. Chairman’s communications: None had been received.
10. Plompton: There was nothing to report
11. Allotments: The Clerk reported two breaches of tenancy agreements. A tenant had written to inform the Clerk that he had installed a greenhouse, an action that required the prior agreement of the Parish Council. It was resolved to write to the tenant to give permission for it to remain. Rental due on a different plot had not been paid. It was resolved to issue a further request for payment by 1.6.09.
12. Dog fouling in public places: This item was a follow up to expressions of concern at the annual parish meeting. The Parish Council considered a number of possible actions to discourage the practice including a letter to send to all residents and distribution of leaflets published by Harrogate Council. An enquiry had been made regarding the provision of a dog waste bin but there was a waiting list of over 200 and currently the Council has not provided the resources to increase this service. It is evident that some owners also allow their dogs to foul around the cricket field and it was resolved to give club officials some information. The Clerk would draft a letter and leaflets would be requested for the June meeting when a course of action would be decided upon.
13. Highways and public rights of way:
a) A 658 underpass, Pannal Road – a resident had contacted the Clerk to complain about the mud and horse dung in this location which made it difficult for pedestrians to negotiate and he believed was a potential health hazard. Because of this, he felt obliged to cross the by-pass and was concerned about safety. The Parish Council noted that the underpass was constructed to allow the safe passage of horses from the nearby riding stables. The Clerk had spoken to the NYCC public rights of way manager who agreed to arrange for the site to be inspected. This would not be a priority due to staffing shortages, but the clerk would be informed of the outcome of the visit with any proposed action. The Parish Council resolved to await the result of the inspection.
b) Any matters to report:- Follifoot Grange – a grid was missing on the roadside and the site marked with yellow lines. Hillside and Pellentine Road – patching works to start on 19.5.09
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank – £ 7671.28 was in the accounts. Receipts comprised the first half of the precept and two allotment rentals, £ 2800 and £ 40 respectively.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure: £ 295.80 for the annual insurance premium; £ 35 subscription to Rural Action Yorkshire and £ 20 to AWJoinery for repairs to the bottom ‘bus shelter. Expenditure was proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by B. Fisher. The Parish Council resolved to discontinue its subscription to the Playing Fields Association.
c) Consider the effectiveness of internal audit – the Parish Council were of the opinion that the internal controls in place provided assurance, the terms of reference and audit plan remained appropriate and proportionate and the work of the internal auditor met the required standards.
d) Review of the risks facing the Parish Council including the level of insurance cover – councillors were aware that major risks were mitigated by insurance that covered fidelity, employee and public liability. There was discussion about insuring Parish Council assets, for example the ‘bus shelters and wooden seats which the councillors thought if damaged may not need immediate replacement. The Parish Council resolved to seek an additional quotation for cover for these assets.
15. Clerk’s report and correspondence: Papers received since the last meeting were circulated to the councillors.
16. Planning:
a) Application 09/01555/FUL Burnison House, Rudding Lane, Follifoot for erection of 1.8 m high dry stone wall to front boundary. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.
b) Application 09/01663/FUL Post Office, Main Street, Follifoot for erection of two storey rear extension, detached garage and store for dwelling and felling of 1 Eucalyptus and 1 Lilac. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.
c) No further applications had been received since the agenda was compiled.
d) Outcome of previous applications – Dower House and Dower Cottage a listed building application for internal links to the property was approved. School Cottage, Rudding Lane for a side conservatory was approved.
17. Date of next meeting: Thursday 25 June, 2009 at 8 pm