11th June 2015

11th June 2015

Chairman Nigel MacDermid, Councillor’s J. Hinchcliffe, T. Hall and C. Gogna, PC Scott and colleague and one resident.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor’s E. Jones and T. Martin, Internal Auditor and Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.

3. Public Participation session: None.

4. Minutes of the meetings held on 14th May 2015: Councillor Hall proposed the Annual Parish Minutes and the Annual Parish Council Minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by Councillor Hinchcliffe the chairman duly signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Planting of flower tubs and signs (20b): The Chairman gave thanks to those who attended and assisted in the weeding, planting and edging repairs. He requested the clerk wrote and thanked B. Butler for the donation of flowers and his help.
b) Ducks on Rudding Lane (21b): The clerk had received an email response regarding an erection of a Duck warning sign on Rudding Lane; North Yorkshire Highways said they were unable to install a sign due to the current financial situation.
c) Overhanging trees (21d): The clerk informed the meeting North Yorkshire Highways had assessed the trees and trimmed some branches. Councillor Hall said he had not seen any evidence of such work and the trees continue to obstruct the view of oncoming traffic when turning into Plompton. It was resolved the clerk would contact Highways and ask if the trees could be trimmed by local residents.
d) External Audit (22d): The clerk informed the meeting the external audit had been submitted.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Commuted Sums: A discussion took place following an enquiry regarding the allocation of commuted sums. The recent email regarding the new requirements for payment by developers was also discussed. The Parish Council requested the clerk obtained an up to date copy of commuted sums balance.
b) Parking on Hillside: The Chairman said he had received correspondence regarding inappropriate parking on Hillside. PC Scott and colleague said they had visited Hillside to speak with residents. It was resolved the clerk would prepare a letter for Hillside residents to ask the residents to give consideration to others when parking on Hillside.
c) Rugby Club: The chairman said he had received a letter regarding the Rugby Club and this was discussed in item 17.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Plompton Sign: Councillor Hall said the sign was in the process of being made.

8. Website: The Chairman said he had spoken with the old website administrator regarding the closure of the old website. He suggested the domain name was in the name of the Parish Council. He also suggested a donation was made to charity as a good will gesture, for the costs he had incurred over the years as he did not want any personal reimbursement for the work. Action: Clerk to contact new website administrator to discuss the matter. Clerk to look into what was previously agreeded regarding donation to charity.

9. Broadband: Councillor Hinchcliffe said Superfast North Yorkshire had offered to organise a meeting to discuss Superfast Broadband for Rudding Lane/Dower and Plompton areas. Action: Councillor Hinchcliffe to organise meeting.

10. Wi-Fi in Village Hall: Installation of Wi-Fi in village hall was discussed. As requested the clerk had drafted a letter to the Village Hall. A few minor points were added. Action: Clerk to organise letter.

11. Neighbourhood Watch Report:
a) M. Hammond Neighbourhood Watch report had been circulated to the Parish Councillors.
b) The police informed the meeting that Travellers had moved on to the football pitch at Kirk Deighton. The police asked if the Parish Council would inform the Cricket Club, Rugby Club and local landowners that travellers were expected in the area and suggest entrances to land were secure. Action: The clerk to inform local landowners.
8.35pm PC Scott and colleague left the meeting.

12. Village Up Keep:
a) Lenghtsman: The clerk had emailed the Spofforth Handyman job description to the Parish Councillors. It was agreed the clerk would draft a Handyman job description for Follifoot. The clerk had contacted Spofforth regarding the hours the Handyman works and remuneration. It was agreed to discuss it at the July meeting.
b) Overhanging tree on Main Street: Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had received complaints regarding an overhanging tree/hedge on Main Street. It was agreed Councillor Hinchcliffe would speak to the resident regarding the matter.
c) Loose Wall on Main Street: Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had noticed a loose wall and spoken with the resident, who said he would organise the repair.
d) Kitty Corner: A resident had reported someone had recently had a fire a Kitty Corner which had left a mess and the sign was dirty. Chairman MacDermid said he would visit and clean up the area.
e) Watering Rota: The clerk said she would organise a watering rota for the recently planted flowers.

13. Highways:
a) Footpath sign on A658: Councillor Hinchcliffe said various footpath signs in the area had been replaced by Highways. He said Highways had not replaced the broken sign on the A658. Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had emailed Highways to request the work is carried out.

a) Heads of Terms: It was decided that the draft Heads of Terms would be discussed at the July meeting as more parish councillors are scheduled to attend.
b) The chairman said FOFWRAP had visited the proposed site. He said the group would be collating the Questionnaire results within the next few weeks.

15. Affordable Housing:
a) The clerks said Strategic Homes could not coordinate a meeting for June and suggest July or August. The parish council decided a meeting would be appropriate sooner rather than later. Action: Clerk to organise a meeting.
b) The clerk said she had received plans and information on the Affordable Homes. It was agreed to put a scaled down version on the website. Action: Clerk to organise details for website.

16. Defibrillator: Councillor Hinchcliffe discussed various options. It was agreed Councillor Hinchcliffe would advertise on the village Facebook page to gauge interest from residents in becoming a trained volunteer. The location of the defibrillator was discussed, the village hall was considered to be a possible option. Action: Councillor Hinchcliffe to discuss the siting of the defibrillator with the village hall committee.

17. Rugby Club:
a) Update – Planning: Chairman MacDermid said he had received a letter regarding breech of planning at the front of the club house; he said planning were aware of the situation. It was agreed the Parish Council would monitor the situation.
b) Licensing: Chairman MacDermid said a compromise had been reached and the Licence had now been granted. The resident the Parish Council had represented accepted the changes to the licence.

18. Guidance for the effective management of recording at Parish Council Meetings: A copy of the new ‘Recording at Parish Council Meetings’ document had been emailed to all Parish Councillors. The parish councillor’s unanimously agreed to adopt the new guidelines.

19. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank in the current account of £915.41 and deposit account £8299.53. A copy of the relevant bank statements, income and expenditure invoices were available. The monthly budget had been emailed to the Parish Councillors.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for printing, flowers and edges for flower beds was unanimously agreed.
Payable Cheque No Amount:
Write Design Printing 100748 £37.20
Flowers & Edges 100749 £157.31
c) Internet banking transactions: As agreed the sum of £450.70 was paid to AON Insurance Ltd., in respect of the annual insurance.

20. Clerk’s correspondence: See Appendix 1

21. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) Church Farm, Plompton Road, Follifoot – 6.121.216.PBR 15/01926/PBR – Prior notification of change of use from agriculture building to one dwelling. The parish council supported the application.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled: Springfield’s, Hillside, Follifoot – 15/02464/FUL – Conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, installation of roof lights and erection of dormer extension. It was agreed any comments from Parish Councillors or residents to the clerk by 20th June 2015. Action: Clerk to place notice on the notice board.
c) Outcome of previous applications: 13 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot 15/01013/FUL – Granted.
d) Report of possible breech of Planning – Rudding Lane: The clerk informed the meeting Planning Enforcement were currently investigating a possible breach of planning.

22. Date of next meeting: 9th July 2015, at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.