13th October

Thursday 13th October 2016

Present: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors’
J. Hinchcliffe and T. Hall, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence and approved were received from Councillors’ Jones, Dewsnip and Andrade. District Councillor Paraskos sent his apologies.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: The councillors declared an interest in item 18a) ii.
3. Public Participation session: A resident said he wished to discuss speeding in the village, see item 15.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2016: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by Councillor Hinchcliffe and the chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes not included in the agenda:
a) Village Hall Planning (Item 3) – The clerk informed the meeting that the village hall committee had been informed about the residents comments and concerns made at the previous parish council meeting.
b) Quote for bench (10c) – The clerk said she had contacted AW Joinery to discuss the installation of a bench in the bottom bus shelter and asked what options are available.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Dog Fouling: The chairman said a resident had informed him that a dog owner was allowing a dog to foul outside his property on a regular basis and not clearing up the mess. It was agreed to put a post on the Follifoot Facebook page to inform residents that anyone can report an owner not clearing up after their dog and to include the contact details of the dog warden.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Correspondence list – see appendix 1
b) Chicken Run – A resident had reported that the chicken run had been taken from outside the Pound.
c) The clerk informed the meeting that the parish council had sent a sympathy card to the Townsend family.
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Parking at Plompton Rocks – The clerk said she had emailed the owner of Plompton Rocks regarding the parking and had not yet had a reply.
b) Complaint regarding visitors to Plompton Rocks – A complaint had been received from a resident at Plompton, regarding parking and the impact of visitors at Plompton Rocks. She had contacted Harrogate Borough Council conservation department and is awaiting a reply. She said the planning enforcement department are aware of the situation and requested the owner reinstates the hardstanding within six months. It was resolved the clerk would give the resident an update and email the owner of the Plompton Rocks again.
9. Neighbourhood Watch – M. Hammond said the technical communication problems between PC Merritt and Neighbourhood Watch had been resolved. He reported there had been two thefts in the village in September. He said he had received information on a recent scam, where people go around offering tarmacing services, then returning later to burgle the property. He said a couple of local cricket club houses had been burnt down and asked people to be vigilant and report anything suspicious on the help line ‘101’.
10. Village Up Keep:
a) Village Maintenance – The clerk said the maintenance man had done 9.5 hours in September. The parish council asked the clerk to instruct the maintenance man to trim back the foliage around the sharp bend sign on Plompton Road.
b) Notice board maintenance – The clerk said the wood above the noticeboard needed replacing. It was resolved she would organise for it to be repaired.
c) Autumn Litter Pick – The clerk said there had been a small turnout. The matter of reducing the litter picks and changing the time was discussed. It was resolved to keep the time the same and review the need for a litter pick in spring.
11. Cricket Club Grounds: The cricket club had reported the cricket club grounds were being misused by residents. They had reported that people were not keeping to the permissive footpath and allowing their dogs to foul on the cricket grounds. They had also reported that children had been riding their bikes across the grass, which was causing damage to the pitch. The parish council discussed the matter and considered it a problem the cricket club needed to address, as the parish council did not have any jurisdiction on the land.
12. Highways:
a) Bridleway improvements: The clerk said as the £10,000 given to highways by the Rugby Club for improvements to the Bridleway on Pannal Road had not yet been spent, she had emailed the councillor dealing with the matter and highways. She said she had not yet received a response. It was resolved to contact the district councillor for assistance in the matter.
b) Japanese Knott Weed: The clerk said she had reported the Japanese Knott Weed on Plompton Road to NYCC, who will investigate the matter.
a) Planning application – The chairman informed the meeting the application had been submitted and the consultation process had started. He said the public comments deadline is 21st October and the Target Decision Date for Harrogate Borough Council is 23rd November 2016.
b) Lease – The chairman said he had discussed with the landowner various details of the lease agreement. The parish council discussed the lease proposals.
14. Harrogate Borough Council:
a) Harrogate Borough Council’s Strategic Housing and Economic Development Plan – The chairman informed the meeting that Harrogate Borough Council had created a Draft Local Plan and organised a six-week consultation from 11th November to 23rd December. He said all residents could view the plan and consultation documents at various exhibitions in the Harrogate Area. It was resolved the clerk would advertise the exhibitions on the village noticeboard and website.
b) Local Plan Portal – The portal can be found at http://consult.harrogate.govu.uk/portal
15. Traffic Issues: The clerk informed the meeting she had spoken with PC Scott regarding traffic issues in the area. The clerk subsequently contacted Highways and requested double white lines at both bends on Rudding Lane and the signage to be cleaned. She also requested a 20mph zone installed in the village,
16. Village Hall:
a) Projector Quotes – The clerk obtained quotes for projectors, with a view to one being installed in the village hall. Councillor Martin said he would take the information to the village hall committee meeting so it could be discussed further and report back at the next parish council meeting.
17. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank – Current Account £900.86 and deposit account £11,358.59. The clerk said the second precept instalment had been received.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for village maintenance person, clerk’s salary and expenses and grass cutting
M. Collyer Village Maintenance Bank Transfer £142.50
S G Hinchcliffe Salary & Expenses Cheque No: £1196.30
Harrogate Borough Council Grass Cutting Bank Transfer £188.76
c) Monthly Budget – See appendix 2
d) Quarterly Reconciliation – See appendix 3
e) External Audit Report for 2015/16 – The clerk said she had received the external audit report, which she has displayed on the noticeboard and website. She gave the report to the internal auditor.
f) Salary Budget – The clerks’ salary was reviewed as required by the Financial Regulations.
18. Planning:
a) Applications – Parish Council Notifications received
i) Land comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road, Follifoot – Reserved matters application under outline permission 15/01541OUT – Outline application for erection of one dwelling with all matters considered (Site Area 0.05ha). The parish council supported the application.
ii) Change of use of agricultural land to form recreational land to include erection of play equipment. (Site Area 0.8ha) | Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road Follifoot North Yorkshire 16/03885/FUL. The full notification had not been received, so the application was not discussed.
b) Applications received with return date before October meeting:
i) Rose Cottage, Tofts Lane, Follifoot 16/03665/FUL – Demolition of dormer window, increase of roof height, creation of a new floor level. Alterations to fenestration. The parish council supported the application.
c) Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None received.
d) Outcome of previous applications:
i) Wingate Farm, Follifoot – Both applications were refused.
ii) Follifoot Park House, Follifoot – Approved
iii) Plompton Hall Farm, Plompton – Approved
19. Date of next meeting: 10th November 2016 at 8pm Follifoot Village Hall