17th May 2017

Held on 11th May 2017

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors’ A. Dewsnip, J. Andrade, J. Hinchcliffe, County Councillor A. Paraskos and one resident.

Election of Chair: Councillor MacDermid was unanimously proposed as Chairman for 2017/18
Election of Vice Chair: Councillor Martin was unanimously proposed a Vice Chairman for 2017/18
Election of Village Hall Representative: Councillor Martin was unanimously proposed as Village Hall Representative for 2017/18

1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillor Hall and Cresswell.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: None.
4. Meeting Minutes (Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting) held on 13th April 2017: The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) CCTV – The clerk said she had looked at the legalities of CCTV being installed in the village. The parish council discussed the matter and it was resolved that the low crime rate did not currently warrant the legal and financial implications of the installation of CCTV in the village.
b) Plumpton Rocks Himalayan Balsam – The clerk said the owner of the Rocks was aware of the Himalayan Balsam and had a scheme in place in an attempt to eradicate the weed.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Southern By-Pass – The chairman said a resident had asked the parish council to request under the Freedom of Information Act, the financial cost of the road name change. Action: Clerk to request to cost.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk said a monthly list of Correspondence was available if required.
b) Insurance – The clerk said the insurance renewal had been received. It was resolved to pay the insurance if the cover for play equipment was satisfactory. Action: Clerk to contact FOFWRAP to confirm the value of play equipment.
8. c) Work Permit – The clerk said Harrogate Borough Council are currently carrying out a Consultation on work permits, details to found at
9. Matters concerning Plompton
a) Plumpton Rocks – Himalayan Balsam – See item 5b.
10. Neighbourhood Watch
a) Update –The chairman said there had been two crimes locally in April.
b) Cold Callers – The Neighbourhood Coordinator had forwarded some information on ‘No Cold Caller Zones’. The parish council discussed the matter and resolved to look further into the village being a ‘No Cold Caller Zone’. Action: The clerk to speak with the Neighbourhood Coordinator.
11. Village Up Keep
a) Maintenance – The clerk said the beds had been weeded and compost added and the grass areas cut.
b) Dog Fouling:
i. Dog Warden – The clerk said she had discussed with the dog warden dogs fouling and poo bags been thrown in and around the village. She informed the clerk throwing the Bags of Dog Mess is a Littering Offence. She said she would continue to visit Follifoot and has provided a Dog Poo Fairy Sign.
ii. Dog Fouling Signs – The clerk had purchased further signs, it was resolved these should be erected around the permissive footpaths. Action: The clerk to speak with the local land owner to obtain permission to install the signs on the styles.
iii. The chairman said he would walk the permissive footpaths to evaluate the problem.
iv. The clerk said residents had reported Dog Fouling on the Bridleway to Crimple Beck off Rudding Lane. The clerk had contacted Rudding Park to ask if they wanted any signs to be erected.
c) Spring Litter Pick – The Litter Pick was reviewed and the parish councillors were pleased with the turnout of volunteers. The chairman expressed his thanks to all those who volunteered.
d) Village Flower Planting – 14th May 2017 at 10am – The clerk said volunteers to meet at Horse Pond Beck and a copy of the risk assessment is available on the website.
e) Grass cutting Old Pannal Road – No update was available.
12. Highways:
i. Highways Issues – The clerk gave an update on outstanding issues. It was resolved the clerk would send the list of outstanding Highways issues to District Councillor Paraskos to he can discuss them at the next Highways meeting he attends. Councillor Hinchcliffe requested the clerk obtain an update the underpass repairs.
ii. Councillor Dewsnip reported the hole outside the Harewood Arms had appeared again. The clerk said she would report it.
iii. Pannal Road, Follifoot – The clerk informed the meeting Highways’ will be carrying out footway reconstruction which will take place from 22nd May 2017 for two weeks.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields
a) Update – The chairman said FOFWRAP were currently organising the ploughing and reseeding of the field. He said they had received some small donations recently and the WREN application decision was due shortly. The chairman said North Yorkshire County Council may have some funds available to the group, he suggested FOFWRAP approached District Councillor Paraskos for further information. The chairman informed the meeting Waitrose are currently running the ‘Green Disc’ scheme, where customers can choose which charity to give the green disc to and then funds are allocated to that group.
b) Tesco Bags Grant Application – The chairman said the group had applied to Tesco for a grant.
14. Projector Rental – The rental of the projector was discussed. The clerk had created a rental agreement. It was resolved to use the projector rental agreement when rented out.
15. Pop-Up Pizza: The chairman said a resident was wishing to do ‘Pop-Up Pizza’ on a Friday evening over the summer months, based outside the village shop. It was resolved the clerk would clarify if he had corresponded with Highways and had a plan for rubbish disposal.
16. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th April 2017 in Current Account £648.48 and Deposit Account £9996.59
b) Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
c) Request for Expenditure: It was unanimously agreed for Maintenance, Dog Fouling signs, Follifields Contamination Report and Insurance
Village Maintenance M. Collyer £195.00 Bank transfer
Dog Fouling Signs S. Hinchcliffe £11.95 Cheque
Follifields Contamination Report ARC £360.00 Bank transfer
AON Insurance £476.21 Bank transfer

d) Audit:
i. Annual Governance Statement 2016/17: The statement was reviewed and approved.
ii. Accounting Statements 2016/17 – The statement was review and approved.
iii. Annual Internal Audit – The Internal Audit had reviewed the accounts and reviewed the audit.
iv. The chairman duly signed the Audit Report.

17. Planning
a) Applications Received:
i) Keepers Cottage/Pheasantry Home Farm HG3 1DQ – Ref: 17/01164/FUL – Demolition of attached gun room and porch and erection of two storey and single storey extensions and detached garage, alterations to fenestration and removal of chimney (Revised Scheme). The parish council supported the application.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled: None
c) Outcome of previous applications:
i. Wingate Farm, Plompton – Approved
ii. Rose Cottage, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – Refused
iii. Stone Barn, Tickhill Farm, Plompton – Approved
iv. The Hollies, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – Approved
d) Outstanding Applications:
i. The chairman said he had spoken with the planning officer regarding the planning applications for the land off Spofforth Lane (16/04964/FULMAJ) and the land at the back of the Priory (17/00076/OUT) in Follifoot. He was informed that no decision has been made yet on either application, due to a legal review of the requirements within the National Planning Policy Framework for the treatment of green belt land as exception sites. Once the legal review is complete then Harrogate Borough Council will advise the applicants and make a decision on the applications.
ii. The chairman said the application for the land to the rear of The Priory had changed in description to 50% rental and 50% purchase with a 20% discount to the open market value.
18. Date of next parish council meeting: Wednesday 7th June 2017 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall. This is a day earlier than normal due the village hall being used as a Polling Station for the General Election on Thursday 8th June.