10th May 2018

Held on 10th May 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors A. Dewsnip, T Hall, County Councillor A. Paraskos and five residents (including the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator).

Election of Chair: Councillor MacDermid was proposed as Chairman for 2018/19 by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Martin, and was elected nem con.
Election of Vice Chair: Councillor Martin was proposed a Vice Chairman for 2018/19 by Councillor MacDermid, seconded by Councillor Hall and was elected nem con.
Election of Village Hall Representative: Councillor Martin was elected as Village Hall Representative for 2018/19

1. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all Councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: A resident expressed his (and others!) concern at a report of a car speeding (at 80mph?) through the village and turning into Radcliffe Close. Following discussion, it was suggested that the best course of action for this (and any incidents of unsocial behaviour) was to report to the Police via 101 (including noting the car registration number)
4. Meeting Minutes (Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting) held on 12th April 2018: The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Election – the Chairman reported formally that James Hinchcliffe and Jo Andrade had decided not to seek re-election and he thanked them both for their hard work and service to the community. Peter Cresswell, having initially put himself forward had also decided not to continue. The Chairman thanked Peter for his past service where he had ably supported and promoted the views of local residents. This means that there are now three vacancies on the Parish Council and these vacancies may be filled by co-opting suitable volunteers. To this end, two individuals had expressed an interest in joining the Council and the Chairman will take this forward. Councillor Martin mentioned several other individuals who may possibly be interested but given the relatively short timescale for valid co-option (must be within 35 days of the election date), it was decided that the vacancies be formally advertised, which would give rise to an election if more than 3 candidates submitted nominations.
6. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) No Cold Calling Zone – the Chairman asked the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC), who had managed the Parish Council’s application, to update the meeting on progress. The NWC reported that NYCC are keen to progress the initiative and it is proposed that the NCCZ boundary will be the village, with signs being erected on the three roads into the village, with two signs on Haggs Road. Rudding Dower and Plompton will not be included in the NCCZ. NYCC will be arranging distribution of packages to each household, within the next week, explaining how the NCCZ works. The Chairman thanked the NWC for the update and his assistance in the NCCZ implementation but asked for confirmation that all households will be covered. The NWC confirmed that this was the case. NYCC will shortly be erecting the signage and a resident stressed that it was important that Haggs Road be included so that residents there identify with the Parish. All Councillors agreed.
7. Chairman’s communications:
a) Superfast North Yorkshire Broadband (SNYB) – the Chairman reported that he had been made aware of the launch of the next phase of SNYB and this should now extend to cover a small area in Plompton and part of Haggs Road. Unfortunately this will not be until 2019/20. General discussion followed over broadband and also the poor mobile phone signal available throughout the Parish. It had been suggested that use of mobile broadband could be an alternative, but this obviously depended on the strength of the telephone signal.
b) Harrogate Rugby Club Festival. The Rugby Club had contacted the Chairman to apologise for the large number of cars which had been forced to park on the grass verges adjacent to the Club. The Club had thought that sufficient provision had been made at the Club and elsewhere but had been overwhelmed by the number of attendees which far exceeded expectations. Advice had been sought from North Yorkshire Police and grass verge parking had been their response. Every effort will be made in future to avoid a repetition. The Clerk had also been made aware of this occurrence and he had responded to the Rugby Club’s Secretary, acknowledging the Club’s response to the difficult problem. He had also invited the Secretary to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council but had as yet received no response.
8. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The Clerk reported that other than the email from the Rugby Club, he had received no communications which in his opinion would be of interest to
Councillors or required a response. He added that he would in future adopt the approach of the previous clerk by providing a monthly list of correspondence which Councillors could request sight of if required.
b) Rents – the Clerk informed Councillors that he had confirmed that the rents for the allotments and the Pound had been fixed at £20 pa since at least 2010 and he wondered whether an increase was now appropriate. Councillors considered and it was resolved that an increase to £25 pa was reasonable. The Clerk will action.

9. Matters concerning Plompton
a) Plompton Rocks – car parking. Councillor Hall reported that he had been made aware of a complaint about car parking on the site but as there was no real alternative and was not contrary to any regulation, no action by the Parish Council was necessary.
10. Neighbourhood Watch
a) Update –The NWC had circulated the crime report for April/May. Two thefts, one in Plompton and one in Follifoot had been recorded, but both crimes remain unsolved. He also circulated a report detailing ten different examples of “telephone crime” where recipients are contacted via a “cold call” with a reason such as tax rebate being due, or problem with a bank account, for example, to obtain bank details or elicit a cash payment or bank transfer to the fraudster. The headline warning message is never to give personal bank details or passwords over the phone, as reputable organisations such as the banks, HMRC or the Police will never cold call or request such details.
b) The NWC confirmed that he had now filled the Haggs Road NW vacancy, but there were still two vacancies elsewhere which needed to be filled and he asked if Councillors could help by encouraging volunteers to put their names forward.
11. Village Up Keep
a) Maintenance – The Clerk reported that the routine maintenance programme had now commenced – Councillors confirmed that grass cutting and weeding was evident.
b) Spring Litter Pick – The Chairman reported that the Spring Litter Pick had been very successful and he expressed his thanks to all those who volunteered. He offered to return the missing “grabber” to the HBC Claro Road depot.
c) Village Flower Planting – 3rd June 2018 at 2pm – The Chairman will purchase bedding plants and compost and the Clerk will prepare a poster asking for volunteers to assist with planting. Councillor Dewsnip suggested that this year evergreen shrubs should be planted in the Horse Pond Beck tubs, instead of summer plants. Councillors agreed.
12. Highways:
i. Highways Issues – The Clerk reported that he had received no update from NYCC Highways regarding the possible implementation of a 40mph zone on Haggs Road. He will raise the issue again but will copy Councillor Paraskos in to the email. Councillors also discussed the possibility of making it a 30mph limit rather than 40mph and the Clerk will refer to this in his email.
ii. There has also been no progress with VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs) and Councillor Paraskos confirmed that the matter was still under discussion at Highways Committees.
iii. The Chairman mentioned that he had recently observed a car turning right into Main Street, using the “exit” lane. This has happened a number of times in the past. He suggested that a sign be erected requiring traffic turning right to use the “2nd Junction” – the Clerk will follow up.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields
a) Update – as previously reported, the Chairman confirmed that the AGM on 14 May would include the dissolution of the formal FOFWRAP committee, but the forming of a continuing group of volunteers who would organise and manage future fundraising activities. It is proposed to donate a sum to the Parish Council, to be held in a separate bank account, to provide a contingency fund for repairs and maintenance, of the Follifields play equipment etc.
b) Councillors suggested that an official letter from the Parish Council be sent to the FOFWRAP committee members, congratulating them on the tremendous job carried out, in delivering the whole Follifields project. The Chairman undertook to compose a suitable letter which he would pass on at the AGM.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th April 2018 in Current Account £6300.62 and Deposit Account £1140.93
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1
c) Request for Expenditure: Unanimously agreed, as set out below (2 Councillors authorised)
Clerk salary M Richards £325.59 Bank transfer
Website host S Smith £11.06 Bank transfer
Training Fee (reimburse) M Richards £115.00 Bank transfer
Follifields Playscheme –notice board £956.40 Bank transfer
Follifields Fairy Bridge Tower £7644.00
Bank transfer

d) Audit:
i. Annual Governance Statement 2017/18:
Accounting Statements 2017/18 – the Clerk explained that due to personal problems he had been unable to liaise with the Internal Auditor to the full extent required, to achieve full sign off of these statements. The Internal Auditor had however satisfactorily completed his review of the accounts and supporting records, apart from confirming that the updated Asset Register was accurate and complete. This will be done in due course and final sign off and approval of the statements will be scheduled for the June meeting. The Clerk has received approval from the External Auditor for the slightly delayed submission of statements and the Internal Audit Annual Report.
ii. Annual Internal Audit – The Internal Auditor indicated that there were only minor issues arising from his report, which had been submitted, in draft, to the Chairman. This again, will be discussed at the June meeting.

15. Planning
a) Applications Received:
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled: None
c) Outcome of previous applications: None notified
d) Outstanding Applications: None
16. Any other business
The Chairman asked if there had been any communication regarding grass cutting of Follifields? The Clerk responded that no communication had been received but he will follow up with Sam Gallimore to confirm the contract details and the frequency of cut etc.

The meeting concluded at 8.55pm

17. Date of next Parish Council meeting: Thursday 14th June 2018 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.