14th June 2018

Thursday 14th June 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A. Dewsnip, T Hall and newly co-opted Councillors S Riley and M Velan. Also present M. Richards (Clerk), and NYCC Cllr A Paraskos, plus 5 parishioners (including the Internal Auditor and Neighbourhood Watch Co-Ordinator).
1. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all Councillors were present. The Chairman welcomed Cllrs Riley and Velan, who were attending their first meeting.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: Parishioners present indicated that they were content to follow the order of items in the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th May 2018: Councillor Dewsnip proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ) – the Chairman reported that the NCCZ appeared to be working well. He was aware of a recent incident of a number of “cold callers” visiting the village who seemed to be persuaded to move away by the weight of negative responses from residents, backed up by the existence of the NCCZ. Councillors expressed some disappointment at the appearance of the NCCZ signs, feeling they were insignificant with small writing, but against that it was accepted that “cold callers” would recognise the signs from past experience so they would have the necessary impact anyway.
b) Grass cutting – Follifields. Due to a misunderstanding as to frequency of cut by the contractor and the subsequent breakdown of his machine, the grass was now quite long and adverse comments from residents had been received by the clerk. He has spoken with the contractor and received assurance that the grass would be cut this week – he will also ensure that a clear schedule of frequency, coverage and standard is agreed for the future.
6. Parish Council elections – as noted at the last meeting, two councillors could be co-opted to fill two of the vacancies and an election would need to be held if more than 10 candidates came forward for the third vacancy. In the event, no candidates came forward, so Councillors agreed to confirm the co-option of Sam Riley and Mani Velan, with the third vacancy being filled by the co-option of Charles Dickinson.
7. Chairman’s communications. Letter received (also by the clerk) from NYCC indicating its proposal for the stopping up of a bridleway. The bridleway in question had been offered by Rudding Park Estate with the intention of connecting to another existing bridleway, thereby giving a continuous circular route for walkers and riders. Unfortunately, the very end of the new bridleway falls short of the existing bridleway by a metre or so, but this short stretch is on land belonging to another individual. This being the case, the new bridleway has limited purpose as it comes to a dead end and Rudding Park Estate is therefore reluctantly withdrawing its consent for the new bridleway. A hearing will take place at Harrogate Magistrates Court on 21 August 2018 when NYCC will make an application for the bridleway to be stopped up. Councillors (and residents present, when invited to do so) expressed disappointment with this situation. The Chairman indicated that the owner of Rudding Park Estate had offered to show Councillors the layout of the area in question and he and two other Councillors accepted the invitation. The clerk will contact NYCC for further information and hopefully, contact details of the landowner in question.
8. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) A communication had also been received from NYCC (forwarded to all Councillors) informing of the subsidies made to the bus companies for bus routes in the County. The one of interest to this Parish Council is the X70 route, but the only part of this route that is subsidised, is Follifoot to Spofforth. The purpose of this communication is unclear, and the clerk will contact NYCC for more information.
b) Consultation on CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) HBC is seeking views from parish councils on the way it manages and implements this scheme. The Chairman explained the purpose of the scheme which is basically to fund local projects from money levied on developers/builders carrying out construction works in the local area. The clerk explained that the nature of the consultation seemed to be aimed at the technical ways in which the scheme was operated rather than any specific issue relevant to Follifoot. Councillors will consider their response and the clerk will contact the relevant officer at HBC for any specific matters relating to this Parish.
9. Matters concerning Plompton
Councillor Hall reported that he had been made aware of possible enforcement action by HBC regarding tree felling and car parking at Plompton Rocks, but he did not have any definite information. The clerk will follow up with the Enforcement Unit.
10. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) presented his report which had been circulated previously. There had been an unfortunate increase in the number of burglaries in the local area and once again the NWC referred to the telephone “scams” reported previously, urging people never to respond to requests or demands for payment from supposedly reputable bodies like the Police, banks and HMRC. These, and other such organisations, will never ask for personal details or demand payment, via the telephone. Should you receive such a call, report the incident, either to the Police via 101, or Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
11. Village Up Keep
The Chairman reported on the planting of flowers and shrubs in strategic positions throughout the village. He thanked all those who had given up their time to assist in this task. The clerk confirmed that he had contacted the “village handyman” to request the watering of the new plants, and also the cleaning of both bus shelters.
12. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road –the clerk reported that he had again raised the issue with Highways, of the possible installation of a 40mph limit on the first part of Haggs Road, leading from the by-pass, but no further response had been received, other than an acknowledgement of receipt. He will raise again.
b) A parishioner has asked if a grit/salt box can be provided for The Dower (the approach to which can get very icy at times, in Winter) The clerk will approach Highways to see whether such items are available and, if not, will pursue other possible sources.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman reported that Follifields was now substantially complete although further minor additional works would continue. Potential further developments are exterior table tennis tables and/or a petanque court.
b) He also reported that the perspex window in the fairy bridge tower had been vandalised, and that the replacement cost of the perspex was some £170. However, a local resident Tom Bothamley who has a car repair franchise had made an excellent repair, at no cost to FOFWRAP. The Chairman expressed his thanks to Tom for this service.
c) The Chairman reminded all of the “Picnic in the Park” to be held at Follifields on Sunday June 24, commencing at 11.00am (prior to the England World Cup game!!)
d) Councillor Paraskos mentioned that he was aware of an earlier proposal to construct a footpath at the bottom end of the site. He said he was prepared to donate a sum of £500 from his Locality Budget towards the cost of further Follifields activity The Chairman undertook to explore the possibilities of this project proceeding.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st May 2018, Current Account £5,547.16 and Deposit Account £1,140.93
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
c) Monthly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 31st May was provided – see Appendix 2.
d) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
Village maintenance Village handyman £180.00 Bank Transfer
Village maintenance Village handyman £150.00 Bank Transfer
Insurance premium BHIB Ins. Broker £423.46 Bank Transfer
e) Annual audit. The clerk explained the requirements for the annual external
Audit, which had changed for this year, and the future. For “smaller authorities” ie those with an annual turnover of less than £25,000, no external audit review would be required, given compliance with certain conditions. Normally, this Parish Council would fall into this category, but, following the significant expenditure on Follifields, this would not be the case for 2017/18, and a “limited assurance” review is required. The documents for submission to the external auditor had been circulated previously and Councillors approved:
i) the Annual Governance Statement, and
ii) the Annual Accounts Statements. The Annual Internal Audit report was also considered and approved. The Internal Auditor had indicated his satisfaction with the control over Council funds and state of accounting records. He did, however, recommend that the Council’s Financial Regulations, adopted in September 2016, should be reviewed, particularly with regard to the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) The clerk agreed to undertake this review, possibly with the assistance of Charles Dickinson.
15. Planning:
a) Approvals received – None, but the clerk will check the position with regard
to the application for Ivy Close, where it was felt a decision should have been
b) Applications received –
i) Raising of ridge, erection of dormer extension, The Fold, 11 Rudding
Dower, Follifoot HG3 1LL – 18/02090/FUL
Councillors agreed their response to be Category D ie SUPPORT.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled –.None
16. Any other business
a) The Chairman considered that the minutes of each Parish Council meeting
should be added to the village Facebook site and, with Councillors’
agreement, he undertook to do this each month.
b) Compliance with the disclosure requirements of the Transparency Code.
The clerk informed Councillors of these requirements and he will circulate for
Information, and ensure the Council’s website is compliant.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 12th July 2018 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.