8th October 2020
Thursday 8th October 2020
This meeting was again held via Zoom videoconferencing software, following affirmation of Government guidance regarding Covid-19, which strongly advised against physical meetings where working remotely is possible.
PRESENT: ChairmanN MacDermid, Cllr T Martin (Vice Chairman) Councillors, C Dickinson and A Dewsnip. In attendance, Cllr A Paraskos (NYCC/HBC), M Richards (Clerk) and 1 resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs T Hall, J Locke and S Riley.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No matters arising.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th September 2020: Cllr Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Chairman’s comments and communications
To be covered as part of the agenda.
6. Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) Plompton broadband. The clerk updated councillors on developments. He
had received guidance from YLCA which indicated that although the Parish
Council could receive funds from Plompton residents for the Openreach
scheme, any expenditure incurred for that purpose would have to fall within
s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972. The maximum expenditure under this
power is determined by the number of electors within the Parish, multiplied by
£8.32 This gives some £4875 for this Parish, a sum clearly insufficient for the
overall costs of the scheme, estimated at £118,000. YLCA did suggest,
however, that HBC, if willing, would have the necessary legal power to act on
behalf of the Residents’ intended scheme. Cllr Paraskos had also become
involved with this issue (at the request of the resident) and he had discovered
that additional contacts had been made with the office of the local MP, and the
matter was now being pursued at that level, with no further involvement by the
Parish Council.
b) AJ1 Fund. The clerk updated councillors. Due to the significant number of
applications, it had been decided that all applications would be referred to the
relevant County Councillor, for supporting evidence. Cllr Paraskos indicated
that he would strongly support the application when approached. Notification of
successful bids is now expected at the end of October.
7. Follifields
a) Dog control –the clerk had contacted the HBC Dog Warden who had
advised that she would only expect to be involved if there were repeated or
significant unacceptable dog issues. This was not the case but councillors
agreed to monitor the position for the future. The clerk suggested that improved
signage might help in reminding owners not to use what is in fact a childrens’
play area, to exercise their dogs. Councillors agreed to consider.
b) ROSPA inspection report. Councillors were pleased to note the largely
satisfactory report, with only two minor areas requiring corrective action. The
clerk had forwarded the report to Playscheme for comment and a response is
c) Other – fundraising. Due to coronavirus restrictions, the normal fundraising
events, such as the “Folliwood” curry night, would not be possible this year.
The Chairman will however, discuss with FOFWRAP, the possibility of some
form of “virtual” fundraising event.
Wildflower area – noted that this area is now in need of the annual cutting
back, with cuttings being left in place to seed, before being removed. The clerk
will contact the contractor to arrange.
8. Crimple Valley bridleway. Although it was reported at the last meeting that
this issue was no longer extant, the Chairmanhad received a communication
that indicated that the campaign groiup still hoped that a positive outcome
might be achievable at some point in the future.
9. Vehicle Activated Signs
The clerk is to meet with Darren Griffiths from NYCC to establish appropriate
locations for the VAS equipment and picket fences. Apparently the VAS from
one of the companies who supplied quotations is not on the NYCC approved
list – the clerk will confirm the position. A councillor observed that the 2 VAS
installed in Pannal are the “smiley face” type not approved by NYCC, but are
located on private land so are beyond NYCC control. Another councillor then
commented that there was sufficient private land along Pannal Road if the
Parish Council were to contemplate following Pannal PC’s example, but the
priority must be to locate speed warning equipment in the most effective
location. Cllr Paraskos confirmed that he had earmarked £1000 from his
Locality Budget for this purpose. Councillors agreed to await the outcome of
the clerk’s meeting before considering further.
10. Finance.
a) The Chairman ran through the monthly financial statements which had been
circulated previously showing the up to date information of receipts and
payments to date (including the current period’s activity) and the ongoing
comparison with the budget on a monthly basis and the balance remaining for
the rest of the year. Councillors then approved the following items of
expenditure included in the budget statement.
Clerk’s salary (September) – £286.76
PAYE – £71.69
Grass cutting – Follifields – S Bush – £107.50
b) Bank reconciliation. The clerk explained the content of the reconciliation
which had been circulated previously. Councillors had no questions and the
Chairman confirmed that he had agreed online the balances shown.
c) The clerk commented that the Council had built up a significant reserve
balance but good practice suggests that funds held in reserve should roughly
equate to a normal 12 months expenditure. The Chairman acknowledged the
point but added that £5,000 was ringfenced money raised by the Fofwrap group
for equipment renewal in the longer term, and also some £4-£5,000 was
earmarked for VAS and other traffic calming measures. The Parish Council
does however have the option of applying for a reduced or nil annual precept
increase in future years should circumstances or proposals change.
d) Internal Audit report. The report had been circulated previously and the
Chairman drew councillors’ attention to the main issues, ie the objectives
and scope of the work covered. He was pleased to note the positive
comments in the report and the overall assessment that the Council’s
“systems of control have been properly maintained” He thanked the Internal
Auditor for his work in providing this assurance to the Council.
11. Planning
a) Applications received
i) 20/03444/TCON – felling of 1 cherry tree and 1 laburnum tree, The Priory,
Plompton Road, Follifoot.
Having inspected the trees from adjacent land and discussed with the applicant,
the Chairman gave his views on the application. The trees are not visible from
the road but can be seen from The Garth. The proposal is to thin out but not
replace the trees to assist with the health and development of the remaining
trees. Given the rationale of the proposal and lack of visual impact, councillors
agreed with the Chairman and voted to SUPPORT the application.
ii) 20/03430/PBR – change of use from barn to dwelling house, field at Thistle
Hill, Knaresborough. The Chairman confirmed that this location was in fact in
the Parish (but Plompton rather than Follifoot) Whilst councillors had some
concerns over the circumstances surrounding this application, it was felt, on
balance, that the conversion of a (presumably?) redundant barn into a dwelling
house should be supported, particularly as there would be little visual impact on
the environment, due to the location of the barn (some way from the main road.
Councillors voted to SUPPORT the application.
12. Other miscellaneous issues
a) Further fly tipping at the A658 lay-by. The clerk will report the issue again
to HBC, suggesting that i) a sign be erected to ban overnight parking at this
location, and ii) request HBC to carry out a regular monthly inspection to
address potential future occurrences.
b) The Chairman rasied the issue of fly tipping of black bags of garden waste in
the gravel store/layby on Plompton Road. The clerk will raise this with
HBC to have it removed.
c) There was still evidence of rubbish being dumped at Kitty Corner and a
councillor suggested that NYCC be contacted to request moving the barrier to
prevent vehicular access. Cllr Paraskos opined that NYCC almost certainly
would not have the budget to comply with this request, but suggested that
Yorkshire Water may be the best agency to contact. The clerk will follow up.
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.30
Date of next Parish Council meeting: – Thursday 12th November 2020 at 7.30pm, via Zoom video conferencing, unless