8th December 2022

Thursday 8th December 2022

Held in Follifoot Village Hall.
PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors C Dickinson, T Hall, J Locke and K Tharby. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and one resident. Mr M Margolis attended for items 1- 6.

  1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr S Gallimore and Cllr A Paraskos (NYCC/HBC),
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
    Register of Interest: None.
  3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 2022: Councillor Dickinson proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Tharby. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
    Covered as part of the agenda.
    1. Prospect Tunnel Greenway scheme – presentation. The Chairman invited Mr
      M Margolis, representing the scheme, to give a brief outline of the proposal. Mr
      Margolis commenced his presentation by explaining that his main purpose was
      to set out the details of the scheme and hopefully obtain the support of the
      Parish Council. He explained that the proposed Greenway is intended to
      provide an off-road path from Follifoot northwards along the old
      railway line through the restored Prospect Tunnel and over Crimple Low
      Viaduct to the Yorkshire Showground and Harrogate, and south through
      Rudding Park and under Haggs Road to Spofforth and Wetherby. The
      Chairman then asked for clarification on the following points:
      a) Landowner engagement – have relevant landowners been consulted? Details have been discussed with as many landowners as possible and proposals have been adjusted and revised to accommodate their needs and suggestions wherever possible.
      b) Planning – will a formal planning application be made? Yes, Greenways would expect to submit a planning application for this scheme just as they did for the Wye Valley Greenway with its 1100m long Tidenham Tunnel. This application was accompanied by all the necessary ecological studies, bat surveys and discussions with Natural England for Licences
      c)How has the budget been calculated? The estimate is based upon recently completed paths in Buckinghamshire – opened October 2022 – as well as ongoing work in Somerset and the Forest of Dean.
      d)Funding for the scheme. The principal source of funding for these paths is the Active Travel Fund. This would be applied for by “Sustrans” who have long experience in these matters. They wish to see the completion of the Wetherby to Spofforth, Harrogate and Ripley route, a project which they have been working on for many years. So it is natural that whilst local people are taking the lead, we should be working together. Note that once the go ahead for this project is confirmed a local person would need to join the Trustees of Greenways & Cycleroutes Ltd so that it can function as a locally managed project
      e) Ongoing maintenance costs and responsibility – Greenways & Cycleroutes Ltd would be responsible for the ongoing maintenance, insurance and other responsibilities as it is on all its schemes, eg the Wye Valley Greenway. Much of the routine work of rangering and managing the greenway and its environs is suitable for local volunteers and everyday path users. Mr Margolis stressed that there would be no impact on the Parish Council in terms of funding or future maintenance.
      Councillors raised a number of issues such as the possible impact on the
      village due to participants’ cars being parked, and also safety concerns
      regarding the tunnel. Mr Margolis acknowledged these concerns but did not
      feel, based on his experience elsewhere, that there would be significant
      problems. In summary, all councillors expressed views in favour of the
      scheme and were happy for the Parish Council to be formally named in the
      draft report by Greenways & Cycleroutes Ltd, commissioned by Harrogate
      Borough Council, as supporters (in principle) of the scheme.
      Mr Margolis left the meeting at this point.
    2. Chairman’s communications
      a) Defibrillator panel sign for Information Centre. Subject to the necessary
      Planning approval being received (if required) it was agreed that 4
      “Defibrillator” panel signs would be purchased at a cost of £80 + VAT, to be
      fixed to the top panels of the Information Centre.
      b) Crimple Beck bridleway – for information. Noted that the NYCC led meeting
      to consider the extension to the bridleway, has had to be postponed due to
      the unavailability of concerned members of the public. A later date of 23
      January 2023 has been arranged.
  6. Clerk’s correspondence received
    a) The clerk had received a communication promoting the “Litter Lotto” which
    is an application whereby individuals submit a picture through the app of them
    binning some litter. They then have the chance to win spot prizes and massive
    regular jackpots. The scheme is free to participating councils as all prizes are
    funded by those commercial companies taking part in the scheme. Councillors
    agreed to encourage participation and to promote the scheme via the
    Community Facebook page.
    b) Litter bins. HBC has now agreed to relocate the new bin next to the bottom
    bus shelter, to Follifields. The bin will be sited on the verge next to the
    entrance gate, thereby allowing it to be emptied from Radcliffe Close as part
    of the normal, fortnightly household collection round. Due to staffing
    problems, installation will now be early in the new year.
  7. Parish matters
    a) Plompton. Cllr Hall reported that poachers had been seen recently in the
    vicinity but had evaded the police. He was pleased to report that the A661
    stile had been re-installed and the estate agents’ signs at the
    entrance to Plompton, had been removed.
    b) Telephone box/Information Centre (at the top of Main Street). A quotation
    for refurbishment has now been received but is rather more than expected.
    The clerk will obtain a further quote for comparison, before a decision is
    c) HBC supplied daffodils. The owner of Rudding Estates had agreed the
    location around the memorial trees next to The Pound and in Follifields. The
    Chairman and Cllr Locke will liaise regarding the planting and other
    volunteers will be sought via the FB page.
    d) A complaint had been received regarding the unsatisfactory state of
    several footpaths in the village. The clerk had written to one resident asking
    for an overhanging tree branch and other vegetation to be cut back. A
    response is awaited. Whilst maintenance and oversight of footpaths is not the
    direct responsibility of the Parish Council, the clerk will advise the
    complainant of the correct course of action in contacting the relevant
    9. Traffic calming
    a) VAS. Cllr Dickinson reported that current data continues to show a
    slight improvement although there was still evidence of a small
    number of vehicles travelling in excess of 55mph.
    b) Picket fence on Haggs Road. The “Slow Down” sign has now been fixed to
    the fence with good visibility which hopefully will have the desired effect.
    1. Follifields update.
      a) The ROSPA safety inspection report had now been received. The
      Chairman was pleased to report that only minor defects had been recorded
      and specific action will be taken to correct these issues.
      b) Wildflower area. All vegetation has now been cut back and volunteers
      have been sought to clear away the cuttings, depositing them in a trailer,
      kindly loaned by Rudding Estates. Some progress has been made, thanks to
      the efforts of the Chairman, Cllrs Gallimore and Dickinson and other
      volunteers, but further work is needed. All volunteers welcome to do
      whatever they can at whatever time they have available.
  8. Planning
    a) Applications Received
    b) Decisions –
    i) 22/02819/FUL – Listed building consent for the erection of single storey rear
    extension, including new first floor dormer window and enlarged patio with
    steps to garden. 2 Wingate Court Plompton. REFUSED.
    ii) 22/02820/LB – Listed building consent for the erection of single storey rear
    extension, including new first floor dormer window and enlarged patio with
    steps to garden. 2 Wingate Court Plompton. REFUSED.
    iii) 22/03951/FUL – Removal of the existing conservatory. Construction of a
    single storey rear extension and a metalwork, glazed canopy. Fairfield,
    Plompton Road. GRANTED
    iv) 22/04050/TPO – Proposed works to trees within Tree Preservation Order
    51/2012 G1. 2 metre crown reduction to 2 no Silver Birch trees (G1 on
    applicant plan). 2 Metre crown reduction to 1 no Cherry Tree (T1 on applicant
    plan). All works are proposed in order to provide more light into neighbour’s
    property. 9 Leconfield Garth. REFUSED
    v) 22/03871/FUL – Demolish existing garage. Erect replacement detached
    garage to north-west of dwellinghouse. Proposed hardstanding. Tree Cottage,
    Haggs Road. GRANTED
    Councillors noted the above decisions and expressed some surprise at items
    and ii) which the PC had supported, but accepted that one of the reasons
    given (breach of planning policy) could not be argued against.
    22/00401/PR15 – 7 Plompton Square, Plompton, Knaresborough
    ALLEGED BREACH: Felling of trees within Conservation Area.
    Councillors noted that the Enforcement Officer had undertaken to take further
    action. Outcome awaited.
    1. Finance and Governance:
      a) Balance at the bank on 8th December 2022, Current Account £1203.03
      and Deposit Account £28,180.41 (total £29,383.44) Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment
      authorisation process.
      b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 8th December was provided
      with receipts and payments in the period 10th November to 8th December,
      reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors
      then unanimously agreed the 10 amounts below for payment, noting that the
      double payment for the clerk’s salary was to align payments with the month
      due, rather than monthly in arrears as present.
      M Richards Clerk’s salary-Nov & Dec £693.32 Bank Transfer
      HMRC PAYE £86.67 Bank Transfer
      M Richards Clerk’s exps -3rd qtr £87.50 Bank Transfer
      M Richards Mileage – Aug-December £41.40 Bank Transfer
      M Collyer Village maintenance £367.50 Bank Transfer
      C Dickinson Flowers £80.00 Bank Transfer
      M Richards Print cartridges £49.89 Bank Transfer
      M Richards Security software £79.99 Bank Transfer
      S Bush Grasscutting £80.00 Bank Transfer
      S Bush Wildflower area cut £190.00 Bank Transfer
      c) The Chairman then ran through the bank reconciliation and budget
      spreadsheet, explaining the entries for the expenditure recorded above. He
      suggested that, given the recent increases in interest rates, that it would be
      worth exploring the possibility of re-investing some of the Deposit account
      balance in a higher interest account. The clerk will follow up. Cllr Dickinson
      commented that some entries in the “forecast year to go” column had become
      outdated due to unexpected increases in expenditure. The Chairman agreed and
      asked the clerk to amend the spreadsheet to reflect the position more accurately.
      Councillors had no other comments or questions.
      d) Appointment of Internal Auditor. As reported previously, there had been no
      responses to the website and Facebook advertisements. The clerk had
      approached the internal auditor of another local parish council who had
      previously indicated a potential interest in the post, but unfortunately, he did not
      now feel able to take up the post on the terms and conditions on offer.
      Councillors discussed and agreed that, on consideration of internal audit job
      descriptions and fee scales from other internal audit providers, improved terms
      and conditions could be offered to the local individual.
  9. Items for the next meeting
    The Chairman informed councillors that he had been approached with an offer
    for refresher defibrillator training. He suggested that a session early next year
    would be appropriate – councillors agreed.
    Cllr Locke commented that he had been made aware of difficulties being
    experienced with footpath gates throughout the Parish, for people with “double
    buggies” and asked for this item to be included on the next agenda.
    The meeting closed at 9.25pm
    Date of next Parish Council meeting: –
    Thursday 12th January 2023. To be held at Follifoot Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.