13th April 2023
Thursday 13th April 2023
Held in Follifoot Village Hall.
PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors K Tharby, C Dickinson, T Hall, J Locke, and S Gallimore. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk), NYC Cllr A Paraskos and three members of the public
1.Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2023: After correction of the date of the agreement of the previous minutes from 12th January to 9th February, Cllr Dickinson proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by CllrHall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes: All covered by agenda items.
6. Chairman’s Communications
a) Follifields litter bin. As previously reported, HBC had indicated that the bin
would now be installed in April. Noted that a concrete base had been formed
so hopefully installation of the bin will quickly follow.
b) Crimple bridleway. A Creation Order has now been made and finalisation will
follow in due course.
c) Plompton residents are looking into the possibility of raising funds to improve
the access road into Plompton. The Chairman had been asked whether the
Parish Council would be prepared to hold funds raised by the group rather than
the group opening its own bank account. The clerk had consulted YLCA who
had confirmed that the Parish Council does in fact have the legal power “to
hold the proposed funds on behalf of the local residents. Under Section
139(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, a local council may accept, hold
and administer, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area or some part of it,
gifts made for that purpose.” The clerk then pointed out that the potential
amount of the proposed funding scheme (£20 – £30,000) would mean that the
increase in turnover would require external audit examination at a cost of some
£210. Councillors then discussed the merits and potential problems of the
proposal – one particular question raised was whether the residents’ group
would have to be formally constituted with all necessary guarantees. The clerk
will seek confirmation from YLCA on this and other associated issues before a
final decision is made.
d) Fallen tree opposite Plompton access road. Clerk had reported to NYC
Highways – Cllr Hall confirmed the tree has been removed.
e) Fly tipping. Rubbish has again been left in the ditch below the A658 layby.
The clerk has again reported to NYC with a request for a more permanent
solution eg signage to warn offenders of potential penalties, to be deployed.
7. Clerk’s Correspondence Received
Commuted sums, s.106 – correspondence received detailing funds available
from various capital schemes within the Parish. Unfortunately, it is not clear on
which areas the available funds can be spent. The clerk will seek clarification.
Cllr Paraskos then suggested that the responsible officer from NYC be asked
to attend the next Council meeting to explain how s106 funds can be spent
etc. The clerk will follow up.
8. Parish Matters
a) Plompton. No other issues to report.
b) Anti-social behaviour – a number of such incidents had occurred recently, but
the one of most concern was the demolishing of the Kitty Corner bench.
Councillors discussed whether to remove or replace the bench but it was
decided to check whether an insurance claim could be made before reaching
a decision.
c) King’s Coronation. Cllr Dewsnip asked for volunteers to help to set up the
Village Hall on the morning of 8 May, for the afternoon event commencing at
2.00pm. All residents are welcome to attend the BYO food and drink function.
In addition, in response to a number of requests, the Parish Council had
agreed to purchase a “time capsule” to be buried at an agreed location in the
Parish. Residents have been asked to bring along “pen pictures” and other
items of interest, to be stored in the capsule.
d) Spring Litter pick- a great success, with some unusual items being collected
along with the normal rubbish. The Chairman thanked all who participated.
e) Phone box/Information Centre – refurbishment not yet commenced. The clerk
will contact the contractor for an update. He will also confirm whether a
planning application is needed for the fixing of the “Defibrillator” signs, as the
phone box has a “listed building” status.
f) Tofts Lane footpath. Councillors were pleased to note that the overhanging
tree had been cut back and was no longer obstructing the footpath.
g) Width of footpaths and gateways. The Chairman had raised this issue with
the landowner, who is considering options.
h) Meeting with NYC Highways. The meeting to discuss the possibility of
extending the 30mph limit on Pannal Road had been cancelled and Cllr
Paraskos agreed therefore to identify alternative dates with the Highways
engineer. He suggested that NYC would require evidence of traffic speeds etc
before any consideration would be given to changing speed limits.
Accordingly, it was agreed to consider the installation of “speed pipes” (traffic
monitoring device) at the May meeting.
9. Traffic calming.
a) VAS – Cllr Dickinson reported that the latest data was largely unchanged,
although a slight increase (some 2%) of traffic keeping within the speed limit was
b) Picket fence. The clerk will enquire of the estimated cost for reinstalling the
fence removed from Haggs Road, to a new location on Pannal Road immediately
after the A658 junction.
10. Follifields Update.
a) New bench. Councillors were pleased to note that a local resident had agreed to construct a base and instal the bench.
b) Dog sign. Now installed on a post, at the entrance.
c) The Chairman and Cllr Gallimore had followed up the requirements of the
ROSPA report with Playscheme who had responded with their costed
recommendations. Cllr Gallimore will report to the May meeting. In addition,
consideration will be given to re-seeding the goal mouth areas and the contractor
will be asked to quote for tamping down the raised footpath areas and application
of weedkiller. He will also be requested to remove the now redundant tree
d) “Folliwest”. The event was a great success, enjoyed by all who attended. The
Chairman thanked all volunteers who helped in the successful event and all who
attended, for the significant contribution to the Follifields maintenance fund.
11. Planning
a) Applications Received
i) 23/00948/DVCON – Application to delete condition 1 of planning approval
06/00109/DVCON- ‘Deletion of condition no 5 of permission 6.121.12.K.PA
to allow non-agricultural occupancy’ – to allow the property to be sold on the
open market. Ridge Cottage, Pannal Road, Follifoot.
Councillors reviewed and agreed that as the application had previously been
supported, the decision would be to SUPPORT.
ii) 23/00856/FUL – Proposed first floor extension over existing flat roof and
raising existing adjoining roof lines to match. The Old School House, Rudding
Lane, Follifoot.
The Chairman displayed the existing layout compared with that proposed.
Councillors considered there was no negative visual impact on nearby properties
and the next door neighbour apparently had no objection, so councillors’
decision was to SUPPORT.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
The anticipated application for the Rudding Park Golf development had now
been received, but too late for inclusion on this agenda. The clerk will request a
response deadline extension to allow the application to be discussed and
considered at the May meeting. (extension subsequently agreed by Planning
c) Decisions
i) 23/00257/FUL- Erection of staff flat and demolition of existing tack room
and store. Follifoot Park Riding Centre, Pannal Road, Follifoot. GRANTED.
iv) 23/00362/LB and 23/00362/FUL – Formation of terrace and change of use
of garage to form activity room. 1 Wingate Court, Plompton. GRANTED.
12. Finance and Governance:
a) Balance at the bank on 13th April 2023, Current Account £2,229.63
and Deposit Account £24,712.58 (total £26,942.21) Bank statements to be
initialled by the Chairman in confirmation.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 13th April was provided
with receipts and payments in the period 9th March to 13th April,
reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then
unanimously agreed the 8 amounts below for payment.
M Richards | Clerk’s salary April | £346.66 | Bank Transfer |
HMRC | PAYE April | £86.67 | Bank Transfer |
M Richards | Clerk’s exps (not paid March) | £87.50 | Bank Transfer |
C Dickinson | Plants | £40.46 | Bank Transfer |
YLCA | 2023-24 Subscription | £312.00 | Bank Transfer |
HBC | VAT element of £85.38 | £17.08 | Bank Transfer |
S Smith | Website hosting fee | £293.74 | Bank Transfer |
M Richards | Security software | £54.99 | Bank Transfer |
c) The Chairman then ran through the bank reconciliation and budget
spreadsheet, explaining the entries for the expenditure recorded above. He
also explained how the annual budget had been compiled, based on the
calculations used in the precept demand and allowing the carry over of any
unspent allocations from 2022/23. Councillors had no questions.
d) The clerk presented the draft 2022/23 annual accounts, explaining any
significant differences from the 2021/22 amounts. Councillors were satisfied
with the explanations and had no questions.
13. Items for the next meeting –
a) Plompton entrance – grass area to be cut?
b) Another bench and tree for Follifields – donation?
c) Horse Pond Beck wall – re-pointing needed?
d) Follifields – goal mouth re-seeding?
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
Date of next Parish Council meeting: –
Thursday 11th May. This is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, commencing at 7.30pm, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm, both to be held at Follifoot Village Hall.