11th September 2014

Meeting of the Parish Council
11th September 2014

Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillor’s T. Martin, T. Hall, C. Florance and C. Gogna, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from District Councillor C. Bayliss and Councillor E. Jones.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None

3. Public Participation session: None

4. The Minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2014: T. Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record; this was seconded by C. Florance, the Vice Chairman will sign them at October’s meeting.

5. Matters arising from the minutes: None

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said The Parish Council had received complaints over the summer about over-hanging hedges around the village. Letters had been sent asking those residents who were considered responsible for maintenance of the overhanging hedges to trim them.
b) Rudding Park Hotel had contacted the Chairman regarding consultation on a planning application. No action was required.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Plompton Sign: T. Hall reported the sign had been replaced for a smaller one.

8. Website: N. MacDermid informed the meeting he had spoken with the host of the old website. The Parish Council agreed to suggest a few options to the host.
Action: N. MacDermid to discuss options with the host.

9. Village Up Keep:
a) Maintenance of Nettles around benches: N. MacDermid offered to trim the nettles around the benches as required.
b) Kitty Corner – Tree maintenance and notice board cleaning:
i) A vote of thanks was given to James Hinchcliffe for cleaning the sign at Kitty Corner.
ii) The clerk had obtained quotes for two trees at Kitty Corner which had fallen branches. Scotton Trees gave four different quotes as the trees will have to be removed in a couple of years. The Parish Council decided to have the trees trimmed and the wood chipped and left on site as this was the most cost effective way. Action: Clerk to organise.
c) Dog Fouling: Several complaints had been received from residents and the Cricket Club regarding dog walkers allowing their dogs to foul on public and private land. It was decided that more notices would be erected around the village and a notice placed in the Parish Magazine.
d) Public Footpath – Tofts Lane/Main Street – see 6a.

10. Cricket Club – Commuted Sums: The Cricket Club informed the Parish Council they would like to purchase an electronic scoreboard. They have proposed to raise funds and use some Commuted Sums. The Parish Council approved their plans.

11. Autumn Litter Pick: To be held on 9th November at 2pm. Volunteers to meet outside the Village Shop/Post Office and free sweets to be available to all participants. Action: Clerk to organise advertising.

12. Recording of Parish Council Meetings: The Parish Councillors unanimously resolved to adopt the new Standing Order for the recording of Parish Meetings.

13. Highways:
a) Cycling sign on village green: The sign has been repositioned.
b) Plompton Road – Debris being placed on and over the wall: The clerk said she had spoken with the landowner who said he was unaware debris was being placed on and over the wall and he would speak with the staff who manages the field. It was decided T. Martin would follow up and contact the landowner.
c) Overgrown foliage causing dangerous narrowing of country lanes on Plompton Road and Spofforth Road: The clerk said she had reported the overgrown foliage and will monitor the situation.
d) Overgrown foliage at traffic lights on Rudding Lane obscuring the sensors: The clerk said she had reported the overgrown foliage and N. MacDermid said the trees had been trimmed back recently.
e) Obscured Road Signs: It was decided the clerk would contact Highways about the many road signs which are covered by overhanging foliage and are dirty.

14. FOFWRAP: The clerk said FOFWRAP had held a meeting on 8th September 2014; they are continuing to work towards developing a Recreational Area in the village. The group have organised a Ceilidh in the Village Hall on 22nd November, as a fun and fundraising event.

15. Broadband: Councillor Martin said residents from the Haggs Road area had spoken with him about slow Broadband speed in area. Following a discussion it was decided the Parish Council would write to Superfast North Yorkshire to enquire about Box 8 on Pannal Road being upgraded to Fibre Optic.
Action: Clerk to compose letter and Chairman to sign.

16. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank, £303.05 current account and £6695.98 in deposit account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for stationery was proposed by C. Florance and seconded by N. MacDermid.
Cheque No: 100732 Stationery £16.90
c) HSBC Bank Account – Signatures and Standing Orders: The clerk said the current Standing Orders and Risk Assessments need to be drawn up and adopted before the one signature on the cheques and bank transfers can be implemented.
Action: Clerk to compile new Standing Orders and Risk Assessment and banking mandates.
d) External Audit of Parish Council Accounts 2013/14: Have been return and are displayed on the Parish Council Notice board.
e) Management of Accounts: See 16c.

17. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Parish Council Consultation Meeting: A request for any questions to Highways meeting on 24th September was discussed. It was decided no question would be put forward.
b) Volunteering Oscars, email from John Fox had been received. The email was discussed no action taken.
c) Crime Report received from PC Ayres. This is PC Ayres last Crime Report, it was decided to write to him on his retirement and thank him for his work over the years.

18. Planning:
a) Applications
i) Rudding Park Hotel, Follifoot – Ref: 14/03473/SCREEN – Environmental Impact Assessment Screening opinion for a Spa development. The Parish Council had no objections.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications:
i) Meadow Sweet, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – Permission Granted.
d) Neighbourhood Planning: Councillor MacDermid discussed the Neighbourhood Planning Course he had recently attended. The Parish Council decided not to carry out a Neighbourhood Plan in the immediate future and to review it in three months.

19. Date of next meeting: 9th October 2014 at 8pm, in Follifoot Village Hall